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What Really Grinds My Gears

You wanna know what what really grinds my gears...

Women. Specifially, hot women. And more specifically, hot women who have a trait, habit or history that just totally makes them untouchable. Not untouchable in the sense that you aren't good enough for them, but untouchable as in total turn-off.

For instance. Nothing is worse than living in a small town (aka the fane) and you know a hot girl that you'd love to be all up on. But, at the same time you know for a fact she's fucked at least 5 people you know, in all likelyhood more, and that you'd probably catch something just seeing her nude due to the sketchy dudes shes takin loads from. Its horrible. Compound the fact she's actually a cool, grounded, fun to be around person. Its like god is just toying with you. On one hand, a sad, healthy life of solitude; the other, a hot ladyfriend with lots of kink but a likely VD and the knowledge of how half the town's dicks taste.

I'm not really reffering to anyone specific here, the above can be applied to many girls, in this town and others. Its just something I've been meaning to put down in words. Whats a fella to do? I could just have no morals/standards and be a complete scum and tread where everyone else has. Afterall, isnt short term gratification all the latest rage? But I can't. I would lose the very escense of myself if I became like those other guys. The difference that I've endeavoured to create over the last decade-ish would be gone in a heartbeat.

What else about a girl grinds my gears... Hot girls smoking, no bigger immediate turn off... instantly becomes non-date material worthy of maybe only a drunken bj in a parking lot.

And how could I forget. The attractive girl who has great taste but then get 2 beers in her and she turns into a complete fucking loon. (And i think we all know who i'm reffering too here). This girl will just ramble on and say the dumbest most absurd shit, digging that hole deeper and deeper while remaining completely oblivious that she's being and annoying cunt-wad.

Then theres everyone's favorite, the "woe is me girl." Hot, charming, outgoing, fun, impeccable morals, this girl is the perfect female specimen. They're also the most frustrating with their constant self-pity parties. Claiming to you that they can never meet a good guy etc etc. 90% of the time, the guy they're whining to is the guy they're looking for and everyone sees it but them. Durrrrrr!

Every guy out there has come into contact with the every version of a girl listed above and speaking personally, its hell trying to sort it all out. Which leads me to my final point, this one directed at the ladies. Most normal guys have certain things they're looking for in a woman, we'll call them filters. It often takes a little time for us to make sure you check out in our specific categories. So please, don't be so quick to lump a guy into the "friend zone" because he's taking a little time(maybe more time than you're liking) to see if you're gonna be worth any effort on his part. I know that I have on numerous occasions just jumped right into things with a girl only to find out a day, weeks or even months later that she was a lying whore or a toal bitch-bag.

Honestly its not worth the hassel and drama when you can spend a little time before hand to find out such info. I liken it to the special forces. They don't just hop into a enemy territroy blind, guns blazing hoping for the best. No, they gather intel, they plan, they leave nothing to chance so that they succeed in their mission 100%.

Work with us ladies, it'll be a better, happier and sweatier future for all of us.