
Surprise, cockfags!

I got to thinking how 2005 has been a great music year. So many new cd's by some of my favorite bands have come out this year. Oasis, weezer, foo fighters, cky, coldplay, and david usher among others. Still due out is the new HIM cd in september and the MG best of double disc/dvd awsomeness in august i think.

War of the Worlds, directed by Speilberg starring TJ and a bunch of johnny nobody's. Having read the novel by HG Wells sometime ago in my youth i basically knew the outcome of the film and the events that would happen. That didnt take away from the film however. TJ turns in another brilliant performace as a hardworking divorced father of 2. When shit hits the fan his quick thinking and acting saves his and his childrens lives. The movie chronicles the disasterous events soley from their perspective, occasionally showing a more global outlook. The visual work by speilberg is just stunning. So is the CGI, which was done properly, not the usual half-ass you see in hollywood. Be it a bridge being destroyed or the massive alien tri-pods, everything looks realistic and not out of place. There was no noticable soundtrack or much scoring which looking back seems a bit odd. Overall it earns an 8.5/10.


Happy Birthday Mr. President

So today is my birthday. I'm now 22. Looking back i can say that I'm pleased with where I am in life, where I'm headed and who I've become. It feels good. Yesterday was spent celebrating with the family. As luck would have it i worked from 4-10 today but now I am headed over to moosy's to enjoy the fine company of my close friends. Tomorrow day/night is to be a larger gathering, call me for details during the day cuz we'll be hammered before too long.

If anyone wants to come see War of the Worlds wednesday night let me know. We're gonna leave at 9 and hit up the 9:55 show. If thats sold out theres one at 1030 we can catch.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. Hope to see you all tomorrow and hope to see some of you soon.


Maybe My Luck Will Change

Rochester was a blast. Amazingly fun drunken night. I didnt take too many pics on account of being pretty drunk, and most of the ones i did take out and about are blurry as a result. But check em out anyways.

Now its off to celebrate my birthday a day early with the fam. Party tuesday at moosy's. 11pm start time. giddy up.


Coming In A Mess Going Out In Style

I'm headed off to Rochester tonight for some festival dealie. I decided that since I magically got a Friday night off I should use it to my advantage and go do something different and exciting. Going to Rochester for some massive drunken city-wide party seems like a good idea. I'll be bringing the camera and hopefully will have enough sense to get some pics which I'll toss up on the photo page at some point saturday maybe.

My 22nd (god i feel old) birthday is this coming Monday the 27th. Tuesday night the 28th there is to be a party at Mix master moosy's for the occasion. So bring your beer goggles cause everyone is gonna get fucked up. Moosy's parents will be out of town from Sunday-Wednesday so time to make the most of that. It should turn out something like This but with more girls hopefully

This is a public invite to my Uncle's in Olcott on the 3rd for the fireworks, food and hot tub and the like with front row seats for the show. For the 4th, a couple ideas, we could go to outwater park like last year or Niagara Falls to the casino where i hear the show is spectacular plus my grandma said shed cook for us and such.

Concerts: Thursday the 30th is the Thornley concert at Arizona's. The 2nd of July features the 54-40 concert, July 6th is Tea party in Rochester and finally july 14 is Matthew Good at Arizona's. So the next two weeks or so will be pretty sweet

Erin's birthday is also July 6th but plans are still unknown for whats happening with that so I'll update you all when i find out.

And a final piece of reading for all you guys out there having lady troubles. Go Here.


Buh? Posted by Hello

Don't really know why i posted this picture. Its fucking wierd isn't it? About as wierd as the shit that happened to me lastnight after i got out of work... Let me preface this by saying that i'm not what you would call a racist, but i can see why stereotypes and racism exist.

I walked out the kitchen door and hit up my voice mail to see who had called me. Turns out it was my co-worker Reuben (Ruebz) He had just moved into an apartment in one of the complexes right across the street from the restaurant and he was calling to tell me to stop over when i got out. I had told him I would set up and configure this computer he had gotten second hand so now seemed like the perfect time. So i call him up and he lets me in. He lives up on the third floor. We go up, his brother is there watching fight club.

So i set the computer up plug it in and boot it up. I start snooping around yaddy yadda yadda. Reubz's sister, and 2 of their friends come in with a pizza and sit down with it to watch the movie. I finish up on the computer and hang out for a few watching the movie. All of a sudden some one knocks on the door and is all like "Yo Rueben you in there?" Ron goes to the peep hole and looks out. Turns out its this black dude who lives across the hall or something who Ruebz unfortunatly ran into the night before and semi-befriended the guy. However allegedly the guy is pretty shady and not above robbing folks. Since Ruebz and Ron have some pretty nice stuff in their apt. they dont want the guy seeing the shit and getting any ideas. So for like 5 minutes, the guy kept knocking on the door and asking if Rueben was home, while the 6 of us pretended to not be in the room, even though the tv was on rather loudly. Finally the guy left. I also wanted to leave but didnt want to chance running into the dude so i waited around another 10 minutes.

I went out the front door, cuz apparently you never leave out the back way because theres always scums hanging around doing whatever it is that scums do. So i walk around the building to go to my car and i see some guys tossing a football, some other guys standing aroound talking and some other guys in the car next to mine. So i unlock my door and go to get in and this black guy comes up and starts hasseling me about was I at Ruebens, up on the third floor and all this jive. I'll be honest i flat out lied to the guy and was like i don't know a Rueben i was on the second floor. I dont know if the guy believed me or not but as this whole thing was going down him n his buddies were getting kinda animated and were subtley flanking my car. Needless to say i started to feel uneasy and i bailed fast. On the way home i was paranoid that i was being followed.

But seriously. What business of this guy's is it where i was or who i was with? I dont know him, and i certainly dont need to explain my whereabouts or actions to him as they had no affect on him. Yet had i said that, he probably would have stabbed me or him and his crew of flunkies would have tried to kick my ass. Thats the sad state of the world we live in. Where a guy can interrogate me over shit thats none of his concern and if i so choose to point that fact out i risk bodily harm.


Porno Mouth

So i lost the lengthy post i'd made while trying to link in a picture. Rest assured it had some gold but its late and i don't feel like re-creating what would turn out to be a cheap knock-off version of the original

So heres a short recap of what was here: I have new music. Dont come over to my house if i dont know you, stand around for awhile and not say anything to me then leave. Free54-40 concert july 2nd. Dont be pissed at me for not order you a ticket when i dont know you wanna go, im not ordering them and youve never offered to or gone out and gotten me a ticket ever before. Possible trip to rochester friday for some festival, still awaiting more details from rach. Suck my dick if any of the above you find fault with.

Oh and as promised, heres that pic i was trying to load up.

Hot Ass Shit Posted by Hello


Hot Hot Heat

CAM62783: house temperature: 71 degrees
cams room temp: 78 degrees and rising
k ACZ yNs KI13: gay
k ACZ yNs KI13: mine is slightly higher
CAM62783: mine should be 71 dammit
k ACZ yNs KI13: fight it
CAM62783: I'm gonna write an angry letter
k ACZ yNs KI13: haa

As most of you no doubt know, I do have central air in my house. Thus far this summer has actually been hot enough to warrant its near constant usage. You also know that I rarely leave my room if I am at home and not in the pool. I go to the pool to seek refuge from the heat, the same reason we have central air. However, all is not right in Cammyland. As noted in the above IM conversation with BF, my room is running about 10 degrees hotter than the rest of the house. Right now it is 79.6 and holding steady. I know cuz I have a digital thermometer sitting on the futon right now. The AC is set at 71, meaning the rest of the house is down in that general range. Meanwhile, I'm up here in hell getting more delirious and dehydrated by the second. So on with the show.

If anyone cares, http://nikon.bungie.org/oldnews.html?item=13216 They're gonna be making a Halo movie. The guy who wrote the script also wrote 28 days later, which was a killer movie. Even though Halo 2 was sort of a flop in my eyes as a game, I still very much enjoy the story line and concept of the game franchise; be it in the form of the 2 games or the 3 novels that were written. But enough of sounding like a complete and total nerd.

The ear saga continues. I went to the Docs today and was dealt some pretty bad news. Apparently I broke one of the bones in my right ear, the hammer shaped one. The combination of wrestling in the pool plus the water pressure is what did it I'm told. So at the moment I only have about 25% function in my right ear. I'm slated for surgery to fix the problem in 2 weeks, which will make a nice birthday present. I won't be able to swim or be subjected to loud noises for a month after surgery. Which means goodbye summer, goodbye all the concerts I was going to attend. One time I claimed that of any of the possible ailments, blindness, deafness, etc that I'd take being deaf over all of them. Wrong. I'd rather be a mute. At least I could still hear, see and taste shit. You don't have to be able to talk to communicate these days anyways.

Tonight I watched a couple of terrible TV shows with Tos and BF. (what you think I'll be embarrassed alone?) That Nanny 911 show and Hell's kitchen. Nanny 911 is about parents with out of control kids who get sent some pro nanny from England for a week to whip the family into shape. Worst show ever. Seriously, how do shows like that get picked up let alone funded and last more than 2 episodes? Hell's Kitchen was by far the lesser of the 2 evils, if only because I work in a kitchen myself. The premise is that 12 people want to own their own restaurant so they get trained/work with the #1 chef from the last decade who happens to also be English. They are paired into teams and have to cook in real and made up scenarios. Then each episode the master guy eliminates one potential cook. The funniest part is, some of the people on this show aren't even cooks or have never worked in a restaurant before. I'm better than half of them, which doesn't say much. Anyways the master dude is a dick and some people quit and there's the usual TV drama. That said there's 8 left of 12 and Ralph or Mike is gonna win. The shows only been on 2 weeks and I can predict that accurately already.

By the way, i was only kidding about the whole ear thing. It was just plugged up, i got it flushed out, took 5 minutes and everything's normal.



So yesterday after some rough housing in the pool with tos, BF and eddie i somehow managed to fuck up my right ear. It feels like its permantly clogged with water and no amount of shaking or anything will fix it. So since 5pm sunday to the current 11am monday i have basically been half deaf. I had a brief moment of clarity after pouring some hydrogen peroxide down my ear but that has long sicne gone away. So now I'm gonna be going to the docs to see if he can patch me up cause this sucks pretty bad.


Fake plastic trees

There's two kinds of people in the world, those who get stomped on and those who do the stomping- Jesus.

Would anyone miss me if I was gone? For some reason I ask myself that question often as of late. My thoughts betray me perhaps. Maybe if I dated highschoolers I'd be cooler. Maybe if I stalked girls and lied I'd be more hip. If I treated my friends like shit I'd be more liked. Becoming a raging alcoholic would surely improve my image. Acting like an asshole in public seems to yield positive results. Too bad I wasn't a girl, cause everyone loves a good whore. Surely if I picked up one of these gimmicks my popularity and success would soar. I mean it works for everyone else right so why not me?

Don't Believe the Truth

Nobody likes hearing the truth. People sure as hell don't like any opinion or thought that differs from their own. Apparently is better to conform and lose all sense of self than to dissent. One of those paths leads to acceptance, the other ridicule. Connect the dots. God forbid I don't find something funny that has been done a million times before and was done years ago. And what a crime it is if I don't waste money on some gadget that not many other people have and is sort of redundant and pointless in the first place?

Sarcasm is an art lost on most people- Matt Good

I'm sarcastic by nature. To say I have a dry sense of humor is an understatement. I'm good at it though so I can get away with doing it. Some people are terrible at it yet insist on making it their bread and butter. If it wasn't funny the first three times, odds are the next six wont be any different. Well that's my gimmick fuck heads, you got got enough of your own, let me have this one, I'm better at it anyways. Not that it works, which is why I need to start taking other people's gimmicks. Then I can play the conformity angle too while I'm at it. By god I may have just unlocked the long lost secrets of untamed social success and popularity. I'll have girls flocking to me from all over where we can talk about the most trivial shit or re-live memories from a decade ago like they were some magical event that happened merely an hour ago.

Even in a room full of people its possibly to be utterly alone.

Sometimes, the things I see just make me want to hide myself away in my room and not come out for months or years, Bobby Fisher style. Do people not realize the terrible ways they act sometimes? Do they know and just not care? Why is said behavior even acceptable, much less glorified? Why is it the "normal" people just get passed over like they don't exist. I swear, if you aren't messing up some one's stuff, pissing some one off, drunk or beating down a dead horse, you could just fade into the foreground and no one would notice. Unless of course its your horse.

I might have more to say, I might not. In any event the power is spiking, as Burt would say, so I think this is all mother nature will allow me to say tonight. So I'm gonna go back to being an anonymous blenderiner and all of you will go on with your gimmicks, trying to be anything but what you really are, which I don't even know what that is either so don't ask me for the answer. Keep it real right? Fuckin A.


Slide Away...

Posted by Hello

I feel like i'm living the Bizzaro episode from Seinfeld. I don't quite know what to make of certain things. Stupidity abound continues to amaze me like never before, as does certain situations with people. But i digress.

Volleyball at the pub. what a joke. Our team blows ass and we're on the "A" court. Meaning we play all the teams who think they're pro's and are auditioning for the olympics. Thus we get trounced every game. Though I'm not an official team member, i sub when need be, which has been 2 out of 3 weeks, and its no fun. Though last week i was told by some people that i was the best one out there. In the past that might have made me feel better but I'm a team player these days. I take it to heart when we lose, its my nature to be ultra-competitive to a fault.

I came up with a great movie idea. Its called party crashers. BF, jake, shawn and moosy would be the main characters. Theyd randomly drive around and just go to random parties, faking like they knew the host or some one else. Kinda like the upcoming wedding crashers movie with my boy vince vaughn, except this wouldnt be about falling in love with a girl and would have nothing to do with weddings. Just about going to parties, getting hammered, fucking shit up and the other whacky antics that would ensue. Im telling ya, its be comedic gold, especially when you get those 4 guys in front of the camera. I'll direct the shit, we'll make millions. Like all my great ideas, i came up with that one whilest in the shower.

The pool will be reasy for use by monday night or tuesday i should think. I gotta give it a good cleaning on one of those days then itll be ready. I wish i coulda hopped in today, what a scorcher. its 130am and its still 77 out. good thing i got central air... oh whats that, its broken. now i'm sweating my balls off. Heres to heat stroke.



Cocks for everyone Posted by Hello

That would be Moosy's back at about 230am after he passed out. The funniest part is, like an hour later he woke back up and started running around the house looking for carl while yelling "Playboy" at the top of his lungs. Then he practically carried me mike n shawn out his front door so that he could go to bed.

Aside from the fact that the P:V ratio was about 10:1 the party was fun as hell. I have a ton of pics up on my yahoo photo page, the link is on the sidebar. I also shot some video during the 20 minute sing along to Journey's Don't Stop Believing featuring Playboy carl on the keyboard. IM me if you want that stuff.

Now unfortunatly I have to go to the pub to play volleyball since moose is unable to make it tonight due to lastnight.


People do crazy things sometimes

Who is that sexy beast? Posted by Hello

World, meet Bandit. Or Kenneth Albert Lilley the 2nd. This particular picture happened at kelly's house on the night of our joint 19th birthday (or maybe it was 18th). These days, Bandit is slave to a woman, F.S.* for short, and we don't see as much of him as we should like.

Speaking of kelly, she was in fact drunk when she sent me her IM's the other night, which basically was her dreaming about what crazy things would be going down if she was here for the summer instead of in Rochester bitching about her job. *smiley face*. My pool will be getting opened saturday and i broke out the portable fire pit and the table n shit for the patio.

Santos wants me to download some Seether album for him. yea i don't get it either.

The slogan of my generation- "keep it real man". Right now we are experiencing a week long episode of when keeping it real goes wrong and there doesn't appear to be any end in sight.

Party at moosy's tonight, pics to come.

Oh for those unaware, you can leave a comment about any post i make simply by clicking on the link that says Shit-talk that follows each post. A seperate window will open allowing you to enter a name or nickname and some words of wisdom. Its much easier than the guestbook ordeal of the old subprofile. so get on that.

* F.S. = fun stopper


Sometimes the world is a ridiculous place

What a fucking day. Recent events have further affirmed many of my values and beliefs. Among those things is that surprisingly, boobs can be too big. But I digress. May has possibly been the worst month on my whole life, but now its June and I start it with a full day off and the new Coldplay CD- X & Y, both of which are amazing. I think I'll spend tomorrow searching for old American Gladiator episodes online and perhaps put up the trampoline and prep for opening my pool and getting the summer hot spot up and running. I might even go to bed bath and beyond, but I don't know if I'll have enough time.

Anyways, its late as hell, i pulled a bandit and fell asleep at moosy's briefly then got home and magically wasn't so tired. Kelly left me a weird message, something about having fun that i didn't quite get, maybe she was drunk or i was just that tired. We'll figure it out tomorrow.

And one last piece of news: All aboard the drama train, bitches.