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Dance, Dance

Where do I even begin...

Mike and Jen were wed lastnight in a nice ceremony at St. Mary's in Lockport. The afternoon got off to a humorous start when we discovered Josher had a hole in his tux pants just below his right ass cheek (the hole was later sewn up by his father in an emergency sewing session).

Nothing else of any excitement or note happened after that. The wedding went off without a hitch and we took a boat load of pics down by the canal and at willowbrook. Then came the reception. And what a reception it was.

In my life time, I have danced on 4 occassions. 2 were proms in highschool. 1 was out at Club Malibu when me teddy and shawn met melissa jill and janelle up there right after I had become single again. (that night was and is the finest night out I've ever had). And the 4th time was lastnight at the reception. In order for me to dance, I need to be beyond drunk. I wasnt drunk at the proms but I was for Malibu night(bear and i had like 15 shots each plus drinks) and naturally lastnight (wasnt keeping track but it wasnt pretty). Its not that I can't dance so much as I have no desire to until I'm so drunk that I dont remember i dislike it. So there I was lastnight, dancing fool toward the latter part of the festivities.

The reception was a blast. Partly because i was sauced, partly because the 2 DJ's were awesome and partly because the vibe and everyone there was just all about love. Oh and there was a massive dance off featuring Josher and some random dude. Ended up calling up Box so him n lori could come get me after it was over.

Then today I went over to jen's and found out that she had to drive moose home lastnight because he was drunk.

As soon as my camera stops being gay I'll get some pics up and I'll pirate some from shawn and who ever else has decent ones. My batteries died so I have no pics from the reception, just stff from the church and the picture sessions after words but we looked money.

Thanks to Mike and Jen for an awesome week/night and best of luck to you both in the future.