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Here Nor There

What's up kids? I'm reporting to you live from happy fun time land. This is one of those updates for the sake of an update since its been like a week. So whats new and stuff. Nothing. Been workin and hanging out. Oh, I ate 8 bugers at teddy's the other day in one sitting plus 2 hot dogs and some brownies. That was pretty amazing. I also stayed awake for 39 hours in a row over the course of saturday/sunday.

Jeff Martin was at the square last thursday, that was pretty awesome.

I dont really have much to say. Just kinda going with the flow. Think I've finally adjusted to being a khaki/polo 9-5 guy. Its allright I guess. The nighthawk still lurks inside of me, ready to take over at a moments notice though. Thinkin maybe cooking out and swimming on saturday if its nice out. Lemmie know. Think thats all i got for now. Losing streak is still in tact if anyone is wondering. I can't buy a win at anything.