
The Kingdom's Callin You

So tonight me, brett, rugger and eril ventured up to St. Catharines to see Jeff Martin, former singer of the Tea Party, at the moose and goose. If you can bare through the reviews and my fawning over a girl, theres some funny shit at the end that happened on the way home.

Nothing of interest to report on the trip up. Well, standing in line outside for about 30 minutes we saw some of the most haggard and weathered people ever and a mini-man.

So we're standing around inside waiting for the opening band to come on. Some group called Oliver Black, id never heard of them. As usual we're just surrounded by terrible people. Theres this 70's porn star guy and his old ass wife near us, kareokee dude and his fat hog, and just other assorted random asshats. Oliver Black get on stage at like 10, 2 hours after wed gotten inside. To my surprise and delight, out strolls 3 dudes and a dame. If you know me at all, you know that lately i've had this thing with rock bands who have chic singers, provided theyre good. I mean some of them just suck, like hole and auf der maur. Anyways, they got this bass player with a huge ass afro and a crazy ass guitar player. And man did they kick some serious ass. I loved every second of their set. Most fun i've had with an opening band maybe ever. Some great, catchy ass tunes and the girl. Sure she was a bit on the thick side... but man, she was just loving shit up on stage and was dripping with charisma. Dont listen to brett on this subject, hes out of his element. 3 out of 4 people give two thumbs up. I was totally swooning every time she gazed longfully at me. Even met her and the guitarist after their set and they signed the cd i bought (in the shared folder).

So then it was time for Mr. Martin. I was a little apprehensive about the show because honestly, his solo cd i found kinda strange and not really my thing. All doubts were washed away during the opening song, World is Callin. Ive said it before, Jeff Martin is one of the most talented guitar players on the planet and he lived up to that tonight in a big way. Thankfully, his solo cd came off a lot better live, mostly in part because a lot of the bells n whistles from the cd were absent. He now rolls with a 5-piece band, far different from the 3 member tea party days. They did play about 4 tea party songs, and a zepplin cover, since his new drummer is michael lee of page n plante fame. Got a viking on bass, some dude from buffalo on keyboard and this awsome Indian guy playing bongos all night. All in all a very solid and good set. Big things in store for the future.

Now the fun i promised. We're on the bridge coming home, just stuck cause they only had 2 lanes open. Erik n rugger are in the back seat looking for girls in the cars next to us. That lane is moving way faster than our lane so we kept getting to see new cars. Then rolls up this beige piece with 5 broads in it. I didnt see exactly what went down but all i heard was shes puking, so i look over and the back door of this car is open. So were all laughing, hooting and pointing at this spectacle. The girl puking or whatever sticks her hand out the door and is giving the finger, presumably to us or god knows who. Suddenly another girl in their car slams the door shut... right on the chics hand. So now shes in the backseat crying and we're laughing even harder. It was epic.


Blurring the Lines

Its recently occured to me that my friends and I tend to act very gay with eachother. Though none of us are, its getting to be a little unsettling. So here is a pair of conversations I had today with jake and rugger. They happened at the same time, though independent from eachother.

Convo with jake featuring text copied from my conversation with rugger.(bolded)

CAM62783: yao
jakeozborne: bonjour
CAM62783: whats up
jakeozborne: nothin much
CAM62783: i too am bored and not doing anything
jakeozborne: i see
CAM62783: so...
CAM62783: you wanna make out
jakeozborne: only if i get a reacharound
CAM62783: well hurry up n get down here, im getting ancy
jakeozborne: im beatin my meat right now
jakeozborne: it may take a while
CAM62783: this is by far the worst conversation we've ever had
jakeozborne: yet
jakeozborne: that doesnt even make sense
CAM62783: you dont
jakeozborne: thats what i meant
CAM62783: Rugglebear: Ok to be honest
Rugglebear: Between me and you and Jake and Erik...we've been acting really gay lately
Rugglebear: Like really extra gay
Rugglebear: Some of the shit that me and Erik do to each other is boarderline
Rugglebear: And that conversation going that far is also boarderline
CAM62783: Rugglebear: And some of the shit Jake says to me is boarderline
jakeozborne: ha
jakeozborne: im all about blurring the borders baby

Now my conversation with rugger, copied parts bolded.

CAM62783: hey sweetie
CAM62783: whats up
Rugglebear: Tee
CAM62783: im bored and i just had a horrible conversation with jake
Rugglebear: About?
CAM62783: CAM62783: so...
CAM62783: you wanna make out
jakeozborne: only if i get a reacharound
CAM62783: well hurry up n get down here, im getting ancy
jakeozborne: im beatin my meat right now
jakeozborne: it may take a while
CAM62783: this is by far the worst conversation we've ever had
jakeozborne: yet
jakeozborne: that doesnt even make sense
Rugglebear: Haaaaaaaaaaa
Rugglebear: Yes
Rugglebear: Ok to be honest
Rugglebear: Between me and you and Jake and Erik...we've been acting really gay lately
Rugglebear: Like really extra gay
Rugglebear: Some of the shit that me and Erik do to each other is boarderline
Rugglebear: And that conversation going that far is also boarderline
Rugglebear: And some of the shit Jake says to me is boarderline
CAM62783: yea its getting to be unsettling
Rugglebear: We can't stop it though
CAM62783: jakeozborne: im all about blurring the borders baby
CAM62783: lol
Rugglebear: LOLL
Rugglebear: Who the fuck says that, he's fucking genius
Rugglebear: Omg that's sooo profile
CAM62783: these whole convos are so blog
Rugglebear: Haha
Rugglebear: It's too big for my pro
CAM62783: thats what she said
Rugglebear: Rawr
CAM62783: im bored
CAM62783: what are you up to
Rugglebear: Gonna go win some more in fight night
Rugglebear: Go buy a 360 homo
CAM62783: word is halo 3 wont be out till 2007 so im in no rush
Rugglebear: haahaha
Rugglebear: Oh Cammycakes
CAM62783: theres no good games
Rugglebear: Fuckin' Chuck Norris


Mind of Mencia (aka garbage)

Its no real secret, especially to those close to me that i hate Carlos Mencia with the fire of a thousand suns. I hate his jerk-off face, I hate his jerk-off attitude, I hate his jerk-off voice, I hate his jerk-off delivery and just hate him... jerk-off.

The fact that a no talent, unfunny hack like this can get his own TV show just shows the sad state of affairs plaguing the entertainment industry right now. Seriously guy, making jokes based on racial stereotypes has been done long before you came around and its been done far better too (see chris rock, dave chappelle et al). Maybe its because hes mexican i hate him so much. No i dont think thats it. I hate him because hes a fucking tool and because people fawn all over his show, which as ive stated before, sucks complete ass.

Anyways. 1 week and 1 day of class left. The only thing that I am sad about is that my hub privldeges are also dwindling. So in a show of rare kindness and good deedness, I will now take any requests for music, movies or other. So IM me or leave messages in the comments section if you want me to get something for you.



I convinced Millhouse to create a blog for the purpose of sharing his cop stories. Link is down in the side-bar. Good start. Link me in your thrillhouse.

7 days left in my college career. :)
2 weeks till I go to arizona/vegas ;)
8 months since i last got laid :(


The Master Debate (or)

Tonight I was subject to a rare treat. I received an instant message from a one Rachel Roswell around 1030pm EST asking me for my professional opinion on an age old question.

Blonde or Brunette?

This question is as old as time.
This question has no easy answer.
My answer to this question has changed many times.

But I'm gonna tackle it here now, once and for all.

The short answer is Brunette.

Explanation: While blondes can and will be hotter than brunettes, they are fewer in number and more rare. Plus, blondes tend to be stuck up prudes. Brunettes on the other hand can be just as hot as blondes but are more common. And they tend to be not snotty prudes. Not to say that brunettes are sluttier than blondes. Hair color has no influence on sluttieness. Sluttieness is even across the board. So, brunttes are better than blondes because they are stronger in numbers and better in peronality, in general.


A hot red head is better than a blonde or brunette. The thing is though, hot red heads are sorta like unicorns. you know they exist, but you'll be damned if you ever meet one. Though i knew one at ntrill from my marketing class. Man that girl was like a 10+. Moving on...

Black haired girls never win. Ive only ever seen 2, maybe 3 girls who had black hair that Id consider hot. **

So there it is. The mythical hot red head, followed by the commonly seen hot brunette, trailed by the rare hot blonde, and lastly black.

**This discussion pertains to white girls only. Most asians and blacks naturally have black hair and can be very hot respectively. However a blakc or asian girl with blonde or red hair never really works.


Bridge To Nowhere

Ive been putting off posting because nothing of any value has been going on for me to comment on, neither in my life nor the world at large.

Its been a week sine i posted so heres a mini run down. I was sick 2 weeks ago. This week i was bogged down with papers and other assorted school related activities as theres only 3 weeks left in the semester and I got a lot of shit due. I massivley added music to my shared folder. New Sam Roberts, Pilate and Jeff Martin cd's as well as the bootleg of last friday's Matt Good acoustic show.

Last night there was a party at spae's. Pretty fun. Got my ass beat in darts by jake and brett all night. Watched Ginty and Yurge win about $300 playing beerpong. Picked up a drunken someone on 104 at 2:30 am and drove them home so they wouldnt get a DWI.

Aside from that I've been stuck here painting as lori decided it was a good idea to re-do her closet and the upstairs and downstairs hallways.

Being its easter weekend Im looking forward to about 20 hours of work combined today and tomorrow. So that should be fun.

Got my taxes back today. Refunds coming from both federal and state totaling just under $700. So that makes me happy.

Been doing a fair amount of gaming lately. Almost have beaten Tiger Woods 2006 Rivals Mode. So much better than 05 if people would just give it a chance. Started heavily playing Battlefield 2. Good game exceot you cant change the controls so that fucks me up big time being its a FPS. Popped in halo 2 today for the first time in months. Played 3 games of rumble-pit. Didnt win but kicked some ass nonetheless. 2 second place finishes and a tie for first.

The game i tied was insane. Snipers on Burial Mounds. With less than 30 seconds in the game i was in 2nd with 19 kills. Guy in first had 23 (game is first to 25 or highest at end of 10 min, 7 players total). I make a quick kill and reload, 20-23. I was over in the corner-spine area near the second tunnel enterance looking out toward the base/center of the map. Saw 2 nerds moving in on me dead ahead. Killed em both with 2 shots. Just after i killed them there was a guy right in my ass directly behind me. Somehow dodged his attack and shot him in the face, no scope style for the triple kill, tying me for the lead, 23-23. Then i got clipped, so i hightailed it for the tunnel. By this point theres about 10 seconds left in the match. Guy goes ahead with 24-23. I make it to the tunnel, wounded, turn and spot the guy who had shot me and head shot him with the last bullet in the clip tying me for the lead at 24-24 as the game ended.

Boring shit i know but like i said, its been a dead week and a half.

On that note, DL some tunes off me, enjoy the weather and the holiday and perhaps I'll have something more interesting to write about next post, like maybe girls Ive had crushes on or something. Who knows.

Jeff Garceeeeyyaaaaa


One Foot In Front Of The Other

So last night was the Matt Good acoustic show. When I first heard about this idea Matt had for his tour I wasn't going to go. It was on a Friday night (which is tough for me to get off work) and to be honest I wasn't really excited about it. When you've seen Matt perform 9 times as I have you get a certain level of expectation about what a show should be like and I was fairly certain that him playing without a backing band would make for a boring and even un-likable show.

Well, not the first time I've been wrong. In the days leading up the show I began to see set lists from other shows and some of the songs he was playing I knew I'd never ever hear again if I missed this show. So away we go. The first thing I gotta say is that it was nice that he got away from the plain white light lighting scheme and added color again. Visually it just comes off so much better. Matt's voice was just amazing, and since it wasn't being drowned out by drums and such we heard it in its full glory. The between song banter/stand up was nice too. Didn't distract from the show at all. The set list was about as good as could be asked for.

Started with Avalanche and included suprises like Fated, Sort of a Protest Song, Life Beyond the Minimum Safe Distance, Fine Art of Falling Apart, Indestructible, So Long Mrs. Smith, and a duet cover of Hurt with the lovely lady who opened up for him, Melisa McLeland something or other. Heres a link to a video of said duet.


Fast Car

So I'm driving home from work tonight. I had to go a different route than i normally take because i needed to drop off my car payment at the post office. So i go down Locust St. At the corner of willow where the road V's i stay to the right and take Washburn St.

I'm nearly to the stop light at the corner of Washburn and High St. Theres a little side road on my right, Grant St. I see a mini van approaching the corner. It has to stop at a stop sign, I do not. So I'm driving and the van makes it to the corner. By this point I'm no more than like 3 car lengths from Grant. Wouldn't you know it, but the asshole pulls out in front of me, causing me to have to hit the breaks rather hard. If thats not enough, the douche bag proceeds to drive at 15mph for a block till he/she reaches the stop light. Needless to say i was visibly unamused. Then, as if this person could be a worse driver, they try to time the light change but botch it like 20 seconds too soon. So now the van is like halfway into the intersection. Given I knew the light at this intersection was rather long, and i was just shocked and upset, I put my car in park, got out, calmy walked up to the driver side window of the vans and flipped off the driver.

It was some lady but i dont give a god damn really. I really dont know how some people get their liscense. Its not even just old people that suck at driving. Its pretty much everyone. There should be mandatory re-testing every year. Or at least have the cops actually do their jobs. Who cares if someone is speeding but like 3-5 mph. Ticket the fucks who cut people off and drive like retards.


Viva Las Vegas

Its finally official. Booked our plane tickets today. Me n brett leave friday may 5th at 515pm for pheonix. Saturday we go to Vegas. Monday bf comes home. Im staying out in Phoenix till wednesday. Thursday is the Sam Roberts show. Pretty much gonna be the best week ever. Sun, gambling, drinking... cant fucking wait.

I was just going to wrap this up by saying i had nothing more to say but things have a habit of changing.

For my writing class we have 1 more assignment, a brief. We have to devise some invention, build a prototype and present it to the class. I just spent the last 20 minutes in the basement with box and my dad constructing something. I gotta say, its genius. I'm not at liberty to discuss it right now as its in the test phase and a patent is pending. But rest assured once the paper work clears i will provide photos and diagrams of my creation, which i hope will net me a cool couple millions once i sell the idea to an appropriate agency. Jenga!