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Sell Control for Life's Speed

Ever since me brett and ruggles went to Anal fest up in NT, I can't stop listening to one of the bands who played that night.


Oddly enough the singer, Todd, is in the back in this photo.

(I refuse to accept their recent name alteration to Pilot Speed. They're prepping to release material in the states and changed their name to avoid any legal issues; ie. Pilate's. Gay I know.)
I would venture to say they're one of the top 3 active bands right now. Hailing from Toronto, with vocal similarities to Radiohead and the musical stylings of jimmy eat world meets coldplay you can guess how I can make such a lofty proclamation. They have 2 cd's, the first, Caught by the window from 2002 and their latest from this year (see post title).

So if the same old crap on the radio is still boring you to death or you need a breath of fresh air in your life, check these guys out. You won't regret it. As always, they can be found in my shared folder.