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Half Assed But Whole Hearted

I've been busy. Unlike the restaurant biz, these 3 weeks surrounding the 4th of July are the busiest in the beer industry. It all translates into more frequent and larger delieveries into stores and later evenings. And thats only if things go smooth. I shudder to think what will happen if shit breaks or people get hurt. Anyways, few items to mention.

Square next thursday for 54-40 and The Trews. No idea what time I want to get up there yet, prolly like 6ish though since theres 2 awesome bands playing.

Christina, from the restaurant, is having a 4th of July party and told me I could invite anyone. It should be a sweet bash so if you want to go let me know. Plenty of food and booze so thats where I'll be.

Its getting to be near that time to think about fantasy football. The past 3 years I've run a league on ESPN.com mainly with people from work. Last year I opened it up to more people and this year I plan on doing the same. Draft to be held in August sometime and probably will cost around 50 bucks. Im looking for a 12 man league again. Factoring in returning and non-returning members from last season it looks like I'm gonna need about 6 new members. So let me know. First come first serve.

Oh and its my birthday tuesday. Yea.