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Fiercely Co-Dependent

In 23 days, I will turn 23 years old. Last night, I went to a party filled with a bunch of 18-20 year olds. Stubborn in their ways are they, but stubborn as a whole, not as individuals. Today while driving to work it dawned on me that I am becoming increasingly anti-social.

The fact is, I have a core set of friends whom I have chosen to associate with. They are all that remain from the hundreds of people I associated with during my childhood and my teens. I continue to associate with these select individuals for numerous reasons. Whether it be shared common interests or issues of trust and loyalty, I have a bond with them and they with I. We are all different individuals. We accept those differences. However, we also push each other to expand and increase our knowledge; knowledge of the arts, world affairs and of ourselves.

Last night reminded me how much I truly detest people who are of such weak will. When faced with difference they resist and revolt rather than embrace. They are a generation raised on being told what to think is cool. If MTV says its good then it is. If MTV doesn't mention it, then it either sucks or does not exist. Why else was there Eminem being blasted on a stereo in a barn at 1 am? These later generations lack the ability to think for themselves. They lack an inward desire to expand their minds. In short, they are victims of the herd mentality.

This is where my anti-socialism comes into play. I simply cannot stand to be around close-minded, bitchy, assholes. Reason number 1 I hate parties unless its a party of my making. It also is the reason that if I'm out at a bar, I rarely if ever associate with some one I didn't go to said bar with.

Not to say that I hate meeting new people. On the contrary. That was one of the things I enjoyed most about college. Going to class and meeting new people. Matching wits, discovering likes and dislike, debating things of great importance and things of absolutely no importance. Then again, most people in college are of the open-minded persuasion and generally not retarded with a small town mentality.

So theres my soapbox. Its been bugging me all day. Watching Kingdom of Heaven only served to make me feel that much stronger about everything I've just said.

In closing, try everything once and give it a fair chance. Think for yourself and you might be surprised.