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Sex and the City

As much as I bagged on Mind of Mencia in a previous post, I have to say that Sex and the City is a much worse show. My main problem with Mencia is just that he's not funny and its supposed to be a funny show and that people think hes funny. My issues with this "show" are much deeper.

Firstly, we have the cast, as pictured above. One wierd old-ish looking broad, show "star" Sara Jessica Parker, some other broad, and missing from the photo is the whore of the show. Well to be fair, they're all whores but in this case I'm referring to the semi-good looking blonde. Now if you ask me, a show called sex and the city should have hot girls cast as the main characters. None of the dames on this show are hot. The blonde not in the pic who I just reffered to is ok. The brunette on the right also isnt half bad. But the other two are so terrible that they negate the half hot factors of the other two.

I mean, look at the chic on the left. Who would actually want to stick their penis in that? Not this guy, not even in my most desperate of hours. I think I'd actually become gay before any thoughts of having sex with that chic krept into my mind.

As for Ms. Parker. Well, clearly she looks like a foot. See look.

All shallowness aside, more than just the cast appearance bothers me about this show. Now, I'm not just pulling all this out of my ass. I have seen several episodes of this show. Don't ask why, we're not gonna get into it. Suffice to say I've seen enough to know what I'm tlaking about. The central idea of the show is these girls who live in NYC and all of their dating/relational struggles as they attempt to find their own perfect man.

Heres where the problem begins. These girls, are whores. Loose, ugly, materialistic, sluts. All they care about is clothes, shoes, money and getting their snooches pounded on a friday night. Not that I have anything against girls who want to get boned. Its the other stuff that pisses me off because chics who watch this show actually model their own behavior after it. The show teaches girls how to be stupid, shallow whores and worse yet, that its ok to be that way.

If theres a set of qualities i despise in a woman its shallowness, stupidity and whorishness.

**For clarification, whore and slut are different concepts. Whore is a girl who goes out and does tons of guys (ie, zima). A slut is just a girl who loves the cock, but doesnt necessarily get it from a variety of sources.

So, we have some not hot girls, prancing about NYC concerned only about what kind of shoes they should buy and what guy they should fuck. Sounds like a winning show to me. Ladies, do me and men everywhere a favor, stop watching this shit-storm of a show or at least stop imitating it.