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Ted Nugent

Recently, thanks fully in part to VH1, who are quickly becoming one of the better channels on TV, I have come to think of Ted Nugent as my hero. It started 2 Sunday's ago while me bf and ruggles were hanging out at bretts. Rugger had on Hogan Knows Best, which happened to air on VH1. Hilarious episode. So that ends and this show called Supergroup comes on. Some musical reality show where they take 5 rock legends, stick em in a house together and they have to make some songs and play a concert in 2 weeks. One of those 5 happened to be Mr. Nugent.

Now, you have to be a pretty big idiot to not know who Ted Nugent is. He created some bad-ass tunes back in the day, even if hes largely inconspicuous these days. The first time I actually witnessed his crazy glory was on an episode of "Cribs" on MTV. Dont ask why i was watching it but needless to say i saw it. Ted lives down south somewhere on this huge ranch deal or whatever where he has like 200 million guns and a hot wife. If you listen to him talk and just observe him you can tell he's clearly insane and fucking hilarious.

So we watch Supergroup. Ted spends the whole episode either jamming on his guitar, cursing, making hilarious one line quips and hitting on the hot cook they have in the house. He's money, end of story.

The later that night at home I witness more Ted on VH1. Some contest where like 6 people went and stayed at his house trying to win money and a truck and he got to vote people off after activities. Again, more crazy and commedy.

So go spin Cat Scratch Fever and remeber what Ted says; Theres 3 things in life: fucking, killing, and fucking.