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Trip recap: Grand Finale

Day 3

We awoke around 9am as checkout was at 11. This is how i woke up to find Ron, upside down in a chair. Hilarious.

We spent the next 5 hours driving back to Tempe. No traffic jam and the dam this time. However along the way we saw a ton of those mini-tornado's known as sun devils. I managed to get a sweet pic of one of the bigger ones.

We stopped off in Peoria, which is about 10 mintues outside of Pheonix to meet up with Bf's buddy Butch at Hooters. Enjoyed a fine meal with some awesome storys exchanged. Then we headed off to some mall in tempe so brett could buy a cowboy hat.

We then hit up the grocery mart for some steaks and other dining necessities. Went back to the house and had a nice cookout. After that, drew and ruebz took me and brett to A-Mountain. Its nothing more than a big hill right next to ASU but its got a trail to the top and people go hang out and drink up there all the time. We took some sweet pictures for the cover of our christian rock cd too.

While we were up there we happened to have the pleasure of seeing two gay males have a long passionate make out session. Pretty gross. They weren't youre typical homo's either but rather both were thugish mexicans. After they left we sang some songs about them and how gross is was.

The view from up there is pretty sweet. Its also right near the airport so you get a lot of flight traffic. And of course, drew is bad-ass. We got lost on the way home cuz we were all drunk and ended up half way to Mexico before drew realized his error. Then we saw the cops on some manhunt with the aid of a chopper . So that was cool.

Day 4

Bf left in the morning to come back home. I on the other hand had 2 more days of adventure ahead of me. I slept in then went to this awesome mexican restaurant called Filberto's with drew and jimmy. Best burrito i've ever had. Had to take the scummy bus to get there though. Public transport is pretty awful. I spent the rest of the day in the pool and got some sun. Ended up going back in the pool later on that night and had the cops called on us. Apparently some guys jumping off a diving board catching a football at like 1030pm is just too much for some people.

Day 5

Slept in again. Went to some horrible mall out in some retarded place. Then went to a Best Buy rip-off store and got some dvds. returned back to the house after dark to eat Filberto's again then started drinking. Eventually ended up in the pool with drew, jimmy and branch playing some ridiculous game of trying to headbutt a football to eachother so each person hit it before the ball went in the water. Then i packed up my gear, watched some TV and chilled with everyone. Said my goodbyes and went to sleep around 2 or 3 cause i had to be to the airport by 830. The return flight was pretty uneventful. Thus endeth the vacation story.