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Trip recap: Day 1

Brent and I boarded our Southwest 737 at 515pm Friday. While waiting to board in the terminal, an alarm went off. I guess it ended up being nothing but it was blaring for a good 5 minutes, not a great sign of things to come. Flight time to Pheonix was 4.5 hours. Due to the time zone change we landed at 650pm, just as the Sabres were winning OT apparently. The plane ride was pretty meh for the most part. Though a guy across the isle from me was eating some taco thing that came in a bag that proudly displayed the word "Vito's" on it. Like Don Vito. I didnt really sleep at all because anytime i drifted off something happened, like turbulance, the captain coming on the intercom or some little 5 year old who felt the need to get fresh and grab my junk. The funniest thing however was the safety manual. I picked it up out of boredom and me n BF looked through it. Aside from the ridiculous pictures of a plane crashing into a mountain or ocean and the obligatory "calm as hindu cows" fight club reference, there was on the back, pics of what you werent allowed to use on a plane. Like a radio, cigaretts, and to our delight a remote control toy car. Just imagine someone trying to play with one of those.

So we land and i call Brooke who was picking us up and she tells us where to meet them. We make our way outside and see her, ruebz and brookes friend in an SUV just rolling up. Perfect timing. We hop in on the fly and head for the house. Now let me tell you about Brooke's friend, who from here on we will refer to as the Slam Hog, or SH for short(will be explained later). This girl made santos look like the worlds best and safest driver. She was fucking nuts. Doing 90, no exageration, weaving in and out of traffic. One thing about the Pheonix/Tempe road systems. Its a complete grid layout but its always really congested. So after a harrowing 5 minute ride we get to the house. Toss our shit in, say hey to everyone, hang out for a bit. Then we go to the local grocery mart, Frye's for some food and alcohol, its Cinco de Mayo afterall.

By the time we get back to the house mostly everyone is home and the few who arent will be within the hour. Theres 6 people who live there. So we all just start drinking. We were out back and some of their friends show up, Mexi-ben( who is from LA), his gf (who is from mexico but is less mexican than Mexi-ben) and some other dude. We all proceed to just get totally shitty. Theres a mini wrestling match and other shennanigans. We also need to find a way to vegas as our ride bailed on us. We end up renting a car and have to get it at 9am the next morning.

SO drinking time is only till 2am in arizona. At like 1240, totally bombed, Ron and Brooke decide we need to go to a bar on Mill St. which is kinda like a Main St. equivelant. The SH drives us there, gets a ticket after she drops us off too. So we're waiting in line and ron just starts fucking with this guy named Chance. Hilarious. Go in, bars pretty cool. Theres some nerdy ass white dude with 2 hot black or latina girls just freaking all over him. Nothing else really, I was pretty hammered and we were only there for an hour max. So we leave, start walking to meet the SH who was coming back to pick us up. Get back and its like 230 and we gotta be up in like 5 hours so me n bf decide to go to sleep. About 30 minutes later all hell breaks loose. Its a ricter family battle. Brooke is all pissed off at drew and reuben over allegedly being called white trash so she started punching and attacking people. Ron's trying to break it all up. The screaming and fighting goes on for at least 40 minutes, its a wonder the cops didnt show up. Finally the dudes just leave and brooke is still at the house alternatly crying and telling the tale to someone on her phone. All the while me n brett tried to pretend sleep through the whole thing.

Finally we did get to sleep sometime after 3, with my phone alarm set for 730. Part 2 tomorrow live from vegas, stay tuned. Full pics Here