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The Kingdom's Callin You

So tonight me, brett, rugger and eril ventured up to St. Catharines to see Jeff Martin, former singer of the Tea Party, at the moose and goose. If you can bare through the reviews and my fawning over a girl, theres some funny shit at the end that happened on the way home.

Nothing of interest to report on the trip up. Well, standing in line outside for about 30 minutes we saw some of the most haggard and weathered people ever and a mini-man.

So we're standing around inside waiting for the opening band to come on. Some group called Oliver Black, id never heard of them. As usual we're just surrounded by terrible people. Theres this 70's porn star guy and his old ass wife near us, kareokee dude and his fat hog, and just other assorted random asshats. Oliver Black get on stage at like 10, 2 hours after wed gotten inside. To my surprise and delight, out strolls 3 dudes and a dame. If you know me at all, you know that lately i've had this thing with rock bands who have chic singers, provided theyre good. I mean some of them just suck, like hole and auf der maur. Anyways, they got this bass player with a huge ass afro and a crazy ass guitar player. And man did they kick some serious ass. I loved every second of their set. Most fun i've had with an opening band maybe ever. Some great, catchy ass tunes and the girl. Sure she was a bit on the thick side... but man, she was just loving shit up on stage and was dripping with charisma. Dont listen to brett on this subject, hes out of his element. 3 out of 4 people give two thumbs up. I was totally swooning every time she gazed longfully at me. Even met her and the guitarist after their set and they signed the cd i bought (in the shared folder).

So then it was time for Mr. Martin. I was a little apprehensive about the show because honestly, his solo cd i found kinda strange and not really my thing. All doubts were washed away during the opening song, World is Callin. Ive said it before, Jeff Martin is one of the most talented guitar players on the planet and he lived up to that tonight in a big way. Thankfully, his solo cd came off a lot better live, mostly in part because a lot of the bells n whistles from the cd were absent. He now rolls with a 5-piece band, far different from the 3 member tea party days. They did play about 4 tea party songs, and a zepplin cover, since his new drummer is michael lee of page n plante fame. Got a viking on bass, some dude from buffalo on keyboard and this awsome Indian guy playing bongos all night. All in all a very solid and good set. Big things in store for the future.

Now the fun i promised. We're on the bridge coming home, just stuck cause they only had 2 lanes open. Erik n rugger are in the back seat looking for girls in the cars next to us. That lane is moving way faster than our lane so we kept getting to see new cars. Then rolls up this beige piece with 5 broads in it. I didnt see exactly what went down but all i heard was shes puking, so i look over and the back door of this car is open. So were all laughing, hooting and pointing at this spectacle. The girl puking or whatever sticks her hand out the door and is giving the finger, presumably to us or god knows who. Suddenly another girl in their car slams the door shut... right on the chics hand. So now shes in the backseat crying and we're laughing even harder. It was epic.

Best night I've had in a long ass time.

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