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In Loving Memory Of...

There is certain events in life in which you remember exactly every single detail as to where you were and what you were doing. 1 year ago today at this time I was in my basement playing darts with teddy and ganshaw. Why would I remember such a trivial evening you ask? Something else happened that night, that's why.

One year ago tonight my grandfather passed away. I'm not much one for sentiments or dwelling on the past, but sometimes it can take a long time to realize the full impact of such an event. Tonight after work I had a beer at the bar with my dad and Skippy as we sat and reminisced. We are at the age where a lot of our grandparents have passed away or will do so shortly, and I know that everyone says that their particular grandparent was the best person ever, but in this case, when I say that it actually is true. You can ask most of Niagara county for confirmation of that fact.

He served in WW2 as a gunner in the B-17 and B-24 heavy bombers, compeleting over 50 missions. Ran several businesses in Lockport after the war before opening the restaurant including an insurance company and a dry cleaners. Beat cancer on 3 seperate occassions. Ultimatly he died from complications associated with diabetes and dialysis. Never complained a day in his life. He was the strongest and ballsiest man i've ever known.

I'll never forget the day a week or so before he died. He was in intensive care at Buffalo general. My fam and my uncle had gone to visit and he called us all in for a meeting. Said he didnt wanna do dialysis anymore and he wasnt getting anything amputated. Said dont worry about me, lets have a party.

We cannot tell what lies ahead. It may be that even greater ordeals lie
before us. We shall face whatever is coming to us. We are sure of ourselves and
of our cause and that is the supreme fact which has emerged in these months of
trial.- Winston Churchill