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Viva Las Vegas

Its finally official. Booked our plane tickets today. Me n brett leave friday may 5th at 515pm for pheonix. Saturday we go to Vegas. Monday bf comes home. Im staying out in Phoenix till wednesday. Thursday is the Sam Roberts show. Pretty much gonna be the best week ever. Sun, gambling, drinking... cant fucking wait.

I was just going to wrap this up by saying i had nothing more to say but things have a habit of changing.

For my writing class we have 1 more assignment, a brief. We have to devise some invention, build a prototype and present it to the class. I just spent the last 20 minutes in the basement with box and my dad constructing something. I gotta say, its genius. I'm not at liberty to discuss it right now as its in the test phase and a patent is pending. But rest assured once the paper work clears i will provide photos and diagrams of my creation, which i hope will net me a cool couple millions once i sell the idea to an appropriate agency. Jenga!