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Bridge To Nowhere

Ive been putting off posting because nothing of any value has been going on for me to comment on, neither in my life nor the world at large.

Its been a week sine i posted so heres a mini run down. I was sick 2 weeks ago. This week i was bogged down with papers and other assorted school related activities as theres only 3 weeks left in the semester and I got a lot of shit due. I massivley added music to my shared folder. New Sam Roberts, Pilate and Jeff Martin cd's as well as the bootleg of last friday's Matt Good acoustic show.

Last night there was a party at spae's. Pretty fun. Got my ass beat in darts by jake and brett all night. Watched Ginty and Yurge win about $300 playing beerpong. Picked up a drunken someone on 104 at 2:30 am and drove them home so they wouldnt get a DWI.

Aside from that I've been stuck here painting as lori decided it was a good idea to re-do her closet and the upstairs and downstairs hallways.

Being its easter weekend Im looking forward to about 20 hours of work combined today and tomorrow. So that should be fun.

Got my taxes back today. Refunds coming from both federal and state totaling just under $700. So that makes me happy.

Been doing a fair amount of gaming lately. Almost have beaten Tiger Woods 2006 Rivals Mode. So much better than 05 if people would just give it a chance. Started heavily playing Battlefield 2. Good game exceot you cant change the controls so that fucks me up big time being its a FPS. Popped in halo 2 today for the first time in months. Played 3 games of rumble-pit. Didnt win but kicked some ass nonetheless. 2 second place finishes and a tie for first.

The game i tied was insane. Snipers on Burial Mounds. With less than 30 seconds in the game i was in 2nd with 19 kills. Guy in first had 23 (game is first to 25 or highest at end of 10 min, 7 players total). I make a quick kill and reload, 20-23. I was over in the corner-spine area near the second tunnel enterance looking out toward the base/center of the map. Saw 2 nerds moving in on me dead ahead. Killed em both with 2 shots. Just after i killed them there was a guy right in my ass directly behind me. Somehow dodged his attack and shot him in the face, no scope style for the triple kill, tying me for the lead, 23-23. Then i got clipped, so i hightailed it for the tunnel. By this point theres about 10 seconds left in the match. Guy goes ahead with 24-23. I make it to the tunnel, wounded, turn and spot the guy who had shot me and head shot him with the last bullet in the clip tying me for the lead at 24-24 as the game ended.

Boring shit i know but like i said, its been a dead week and a half.

On that note, DL some tunes off me, enjoy the weather and the holiday and perhaps I'll have something more interesting to write about next post, like maybe girls Ive had crushes on or something. Who knows.

Jeff Garceeeeyyaaaaa