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I just never "got" the whole myspace thing. Posting how you felt, songs that you liked, and links of your friends is something I did when I was 14 back in 1997. Its like a slightly less terrible version of hot or not but without the whole rating gimmick. which incidentally, made hot or not hilarious and awsome.

Anyways. I finally got around to dowloading that My Chemical Romace CD, Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge, out of curiosity and a couple positive reviews. Aside from what i think were the 2 or 3 singles, its pretty sub-par. All the songs clock in around 3 minutes and change. They all sound pretty much the same. Verse, chorus, verse, solo, chorus end. They all have basically the same tempo. Helena, I'm not OK and Ghost of You are easily the best 3 songs on the cd, even though they too are guilty of all the faults i listed above. They're a poor substitute for Billy Talent essentially. 5.5/10.

The Marble Index- Self Titled. This band opened up for lowest of the low last week. Unbeknowest to me, I'd already saw them before. They opened for 54-40 over the summer at My Cottage. They sound a little bit like Jet on a couple of the songs, though they hail from Hamilton and not Australia, but thats not an accurate comparison on the whole. The first song on their cd, I Believe, is probably the best one. The rest of the cd is pretty standard can-rock. By that i mean its better than say, My Chemical Romance or whatever "It" band is out at the moment. Different song lenghts, tempos structures and rhythms. They get a slight boost in the overall rating since they acually are a good live band. 7/10.

Lowest of the Low- Nothing Short of a Bullet. Its a live cd they recorded in 2000, most of it at the Tralf in Buffalo. Despite the fact it has no songs from their latest cd (Sordid Fiction) I think it accuratly catches and represents their concert experience. It weighs in at over and hour and has 17 tracks. Which seems like a lot but considering they played for just over 2 hours last week and probably played close to 30 songs it really isnt. The low's tunes translate well from cd to live and this cd has pretty much the best songs from their first 2 albums. 9/10

no one gives a shit about your fucking musical album reviews. too much wind as far as i am concerned.. i mean, who the fuck are you, mick wall, bob gucione jr.???

ooh look at me! Mr. "I cant let my identity be know" becuase I think i'm a superhero and would be killed if people knew my true idnetity. Grow up.

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