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You know what I think is bogus? The fact that school bus drivers think they own the road-ways. That the laws of traffic some how dont apply to them because they drive a bus filled with kids. I've seen bus drivers so reckless that they put Santos to shame in his heyday or crazy driving. Now that I got that off my chest, on to bigger fish.

Its no secret I've been less than thrilled with some recent events in my small little world. My demeanor and attitude have noticably shifted 180 degrees from where i have been the last year-ish. Half of me is just sick over it, and the other half is sick because my hands are more or less tied. Sitting in silence has never been something I've been good at/comfortable with. But for whatever the reasons, I have done so. Those reasons even partially escape me. I know a part of it is my desire to not rock the boat. And perhaps some other part of me hopes its all been a fluke and I'll wake up with things back to normal one day soon. But theres another part of me that knows otherwise. The part that knows most people are incapable of change and will stoop to any lenghts to raise themselves up.

One thing I've always hated is lying. I believe that honesty is really the best policy and that people will respect you more in the end for being upfront about everything. I have nothing to hide. Any question asked of me I respond to with 100% honesty based on my knowledge and information at hand. Do i draw false conclusions? Sure, i'm not perfect. But I'd never knowingly deceive some one or sell some one out... especially some one i consider a close friend, no matter what the circumstance.

Like a newspaper editorial, consider this an open message to the general public. Yes, personal events have led me to write this; no I'm not going to call anyone out here. I have learned its best to do that in a face to face setting. Just know that there comes a point when the silent majority will remain silent no more while injustice taked place and will take action regardless of the consequence. History has shown us time and again that this fact is true.

So theres my soapbox for the year. On to funnier things in the future.