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The Stationary Accident

So I'm sitting at a stop light today in Niagara Falls at the T-intersection of the BLVD and 77th ave. There's a big ole van behind me stopped as well. Since it's just a little side street the light stays red our way for quite awhile. The van had followed me to our current position all the way from the time I left Rite-Aid on Buffalo Ave, a distance of about 5 blocks or so.

So I'm sitting there, waiting for the light to change, jamming to some tunes, minding my own business. All of a sudden my car lurches forward. What the hell? The asshole behind me just ran into me. I look up at the light thinking maybe I spaced out and it turned green and he was giving me a nudge to get going (that's why we have horns though) but no, light is still red. I look in my mirror at the guy and he's got his hands all up in the air. I throw it in park and I see him rolling down his window, so I do the same. I lean out and he says something and starts to get out so I get out too. At this moment, I'm kinda pissed off, borderline raging. But then the guy was all like "I'm sorry are you ok?" and we check out the bumper. Thankfully there's no damage. No second lisence plate imprint to match the one already there, no patches of missing paint or cracks. So I'm like, nothings wrong, he apologizes again and we go our seperate ways.

But come on. How the fuck do I get run into by a van who was already stopped behind me for at least a minute and a half? I swear to god only the most bogus shit happens to me.