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Midgets on the Job

First week on the new job is complete. In a nut shell, here's what I do. I go to various accounts (stores) and do any combination of the 3 following tasks: Stock coolers, put away orders, build displays. Its pretty dull boring work that requires a fair amount of heavy lifting. However, its 200% better than slaving away in a kitchen, especially in the summer. I generally start between 8 and 830am and finish up anywheres from 230-630, depending on the day and if things go wrong. More often than not i get done between 3 and 4. As of now I work monday to friday, but that will most likely be changing pretty soon once i get a dedicated route. I'm still working at the restaurant friday's and saturday's as well.

I'd have to say the one thing about this job is that I get to meet and see a lot of different people. Especially in some of the sketchier stores. Like today for example I was out in the Niagara Falls area. I noticed some guy in full army fatigues with his little daughter. I walk by them headed for the beer isle when i hear the little girl speak. Its not the kind of voice one would associate with a pre-teen girl. I turn and look and low and behold, twas a midget. Goo. And thats just the tip of the iceburg folks.

Oh, I need a date for a couple of weddings this summer. So yea. If you happen to be a girl and want to go let me know. Otherwise I'll have go with embarassement as my date.

I'll be your date.

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