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A couple weeks ago I got a letter in the mail from UB. It goes on to say that they want me to donate $20.06 because I'm graduating in 2006. They say if i do theyll plant a tree and put my name on a plaque or something. They also went on to say if everyone in my graduating class makes that donation, theyll have money to do stuff or something. So i did what anyone in my situation would have done. I laughed, tore up the letter and shit canned it. Figured that would be the end of it. Oh no. There must have been some microchip in the letter that alerted the school i tore up said letter.

About 3 days later I got a phone call. Some dame on the other end. Thought hey this might be my lucky day, not often i get lady callers on my home phone no less. Oh no.

"Hi derek, this is so n so from UB. Im calling blah blah blah, donate $35 we'd really appreciate it."
"Yea thats ok i really cant afford that right now"
"Oh well how about something smaller like $20, even something that sized would be awsome."
"No really, im ok thanks.
"Well blah blah blah, we could mark you down for a donation and you can pay it later when you have the money how about that?"
"I'm really not interested sorry"
(in a huff) "Ok thanks bye"

First of all, i was polite the entire time, so no need for the sass lady. Second of all, fuck this shit. Haven't i payed the fucking school enough money in my two years there? They've got me for 10k at least, which includes fees for tons of shit like clubs and gay shit that sucks anyways . If that isnt enough, they send me a letter then call and bother me at home. 10k in debt, whats another 100 in donations right. wrong. UB can go take a frosty fuck right off the end of my dick.

Kinda makes me sad though. Had i know i'd be hasseled for money like this, i would have taken many more craps on campus and not flushed in my two years. As it stands ive only gone number 2 on campus like two or three times, and i flushed on all accounts.