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The Man Crush

I consider myself an experienced man-crusher. So, allow me, a professional, to explain the true meaning of a man crush.

Let me first assert a fact. I am not gay. I have never been gay nor felt the urge to be gay. I will not realize I am gay at any point in my life. However, I do man crush.

First of all, man crushes are, by definition, only from one heterosexual man to another heterosexual man. Any other type of crush is a “normal” crush. I personally have had a man crush on Ryan Reynolds for about two years now, and the feeling works as follows: A man crush does not imply that I have sexual intentions for my relationship with Ryan. I would never kiss him. However, if he asked me to snuggle under a blanket (i.e. spooning) I would definitely have to at least think twice. (And let’s not kid around, I would joyfully comply). This is a necessary and sufficient definition of a man crush.

It's just when men are able to bond with each other, let their defenses down and show their feeling and even crush on each other's power and creditability without worrying what people are going to say about it.

yur gay

yet cute!

who has man crushes?, that is quite gay sir

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