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Girl Pants

Every so often, a new fashion trend rolls around that just boggles my mind. Currently, that trend is girl pants. Specifically, males that wear pants intended to be worn by females.

There's this one hockey team at Skateland called Smurf Nation. I like to call them Team Girl Pants. There's roughly 12 of them, I'd guess ages 16-18, on the team and they all wear those really tight girl jeans. The majority of them also have long flowing hair. This combo of girl pants and long hair is increasingly popular among the above age group. I for one do not understand.

As a male, we have what is called a package. Said package needs some space to operate and be comfortable. Girl pants, by design do not afford the space for a package and thus are extremely uncomfortable. So what can we conclude from this? A number of things.

  • Young teenage males today have no balls and/or dicks.
  • Young teenage males enjoy having their packages in and around their throats.
  • Boys want to be girls.

By no means am I the authority on fashion. I don't have long luscious hair and I wear jeans that afford plenty of space for my balls. I guess I'm out of touch. I wonder if kids do this now-a-days because that's what the girls like. Wouldn't shock me at all considering the things that girls are into these days. But that's another tale for another time.

The only other thing I will say on this matter is that wearing girl pants automatically disqualifies you from any shit talking or acting like a hard ass for the rest of your life.

As a member of Smurf Nation, I have to find your comments rather interesting, kid.

I must be one of the guys with the combination of long hair and "girl pants". Maybe if your girlfriend would pick the right pair of jeans on the way out of my bedroom, I wouldn't be forced to wear hers.

As far as your About Me: "I'd be a kickass rock star if only i could sing or play guitar"... while most of our team play in a band of our own your at your mothers house playing the new guitar hero game you got for christmas. That's okay, I'm sure you have a high score on "Buddy Holly" by your band Weezer.

What team are you on may I ask? Do you even play? Or do you hang around the skating rink on a lonely Sunday night, I really wouldn't be able to tell.

Good luck in the playoffs pal. Hopefully you get to face 'Team Girl Pants'...


I Bet You Play competitive Beer Pong. Enough Said

A.) That's One Of The Most Ignorant things Since Racism.
B.) Sore Loser Much?
C.) They Aren't Girl Pants they Are Skinny Stretch Levi MEN'S Jeans
D.) Don't Take Out Your Girlfriends Issues With Your Small Dick On Us More Fortunate Than You In The Southerntier Region
E.) We Get More Play From Hotter Girls Than You Do From Your Hand On A Friday Night.
F.)<--This Is Probally The Only Squiggle(It's Called A Letter)That You Recognize Since You Probally Didn't Make It To Far In High school.

I'd much rather blow one of the guys from smurfietown than one of you fuckin' bro brads.

So, a dude who likes bands like HIM has problem with people who wear tight pants?


Cammy cakes you should spend more time on your hockey game than your blogging.
I hope we meet your team in the playoffs.

Pretty sure you have to be a big fag to have your own blog. BTW no one even wore girl pants. And for an adult you really suck at hockey, you would be nowhere without swan

WE SHOULD START A SHIT TALKING BLOG FOR SKATELAND!!!! and then make fun of everyone!!!!! Sarnia Sting sucks!

Perhaps you should blog about your dildo collection next. But for serious, why the hell do you have a blog?

hey chief!

1.)You sound like an immature tool
2.)It is incredibly easy to learn how to play an instriment. Saying you'd be a "kick ass" rock star if you could play guitar shows you have no determination and will never do anything with your life.
3.)Your 25! saying that you like to drink beer and make fun of things just reinforces your immaturity.
4.)You sound like a college student which you clearly aren't cause you would be in graduate school or done with it totally and would be mature enough to get a real job and stop reminissing on what you think you would be good at and get a real job.
5.)Think twice before you go bashing our team again.

Hey Cammie,
You're bad,
A. Stop playing

You say you're 25, must have lived in the 80's no?
I know you have Ratt posters above your bed. You should be quite familiar with guys wearing tight pants.

B. Get something more productive to do with your time. I hear Tone Doctors has guitar lessons on sale man!

How were the playoffs Cammy?

Bump for updates.

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