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The Customer is Always Right

So, funny story. I'm working my usual Wednesday route which consists of accounts in and around the Lockport area. My case count happened to be a bit on the heavy side, pushing 850, so I had another merch working with me all day. It was my buddy, Pat, whom I work with frequently, who's also my boss's son.

We were at the Bailey's Sunoco gas station, which is located on the corner of Shawnee Rd and Lockport Rd at roughly 10am. Pat and I have a very, dare i say special, working relationship. We joke around a lot and constantly give each other shit pretty much all day. Today was no exception.

At Bailey's, some of the beer goes in the cooler, but out on the floor we have a section where Coors and Molson 18-packs are on display. At the time of the incident, Pat and I were filling said display. Some scummy song comes on the radio station and as is custom from time to time when Pat and I work together, I started singing along with the song and then changed some of the words to incorporate Pat's name into it (a practice I do all the time with many other people).

The song in question was "Love Song" by Sara Bareilles. You might have heard it featured on the Rhapsody TV commercial where shes on the piano. So me, trying to be funny, I start singing along saying something like "I'm not gonna write Pat a love song." Then he added in the "Cause I ask for it" line, this as we're throwing 18-packs up on a display. At the same time, there's a gentleman customer standing basically right behind us getting a beverage out of one of the cooler doors. He obviously can hear us and at the conclusion of our little improv singing session he turns, looks at us and drops this line on us:

"There ain't no **** allowed in here."

As you might guess, this guy was essentially trash, rocking a cut-off T-shirt and a scruffy appearance. But god damn if that wasn't a ballsy one liner he laid on two total strangers.