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Sometimes, I really wonder if people are damaged in the head. Take my hockey game Sunday night for example.

I had arrived a bit earlier than usual and was watching the game before our scheduled game with some of my teammates. One of the teams playing happened to be a team who always try to start fights and are generally a dirty team. At some point said team took a penalty for slashing or tripping or some blatantly obvious action. Of course, several of the players on that team started bitching and complaining to the refs. During all this Casey, a guy on my team, made some offhand comment how those guys who were bitching were being a bunch of douche-bags. One of the guys overheard that and began threatening to beat Casey up and tried starting shit. He even came back out on the floor after their game while we were warming up demanding that Casey fight him.

Now bear in mind several players on this team may or may not have served jail time and they're all pretty much your typical thug-life-gangster-wanna-be pieces of shit. But seriously. If a guy like Casey calls you a douche-bag, you definitely deserved it. But how messed up do you have to be to try and fight a guy in a crowded public place in front of everyone?

Which brings me to tonight's events. Earlier in the day, Cakes informed me that Bandit had called him saying he was gonna come play cards tonight. I was skeptical since he'd said the same thing a couple weeks ago and never showed up. So Eddie and I were here at my house playing some halo, passing time until we went over to cakes. Suddenly I hear my front door open and can faintly make out my name being called. Since we got the xbox and surround sound going I cant really hear so I'm like who's here or something and I hear "I'll give you one guess jackass."

Low and behold bandit walks into my room. He says hi and sits down, makes some comment about my big TV then tries to start up some small talk, the standard how you been, what have you been up to type stuff. Keep in mind, I haven't seen bandit in probably a year. I don't really say much to him and he eventually leaves around 930 saying he had to go get money and he'd see me at Cake's.

So flash forward a thirty minutes and we're all at Cake's and Bandit comes in, swears a couple times and makes some asshole comments. Then he busts out some insult to me about still living at home, to which I replied, "everyone here lives at home, we didn't all throw our lives away." He responds with "why cause I have a house?" I said, "no because you got married." I forget what he said next but I clearly could have began ripping him to shreds but I just let it die.

Now he hasn't seen anyone who was at cakes house in close to 2 years I'd wager. He also wasn't really in our circle of friends at any point to begin with. How fucked up in the head do you have to be to come to some ones house, start insulting everyone and making asshole comments? What kind of nerve must you have to ask if there's any food to snack on? Is that not the perfect definition of a douche-bag?

Also, side note, if you have a landlord, you don't have a house. It's still renting, ass-cock, no matter how you try to church it up. Don't pretend like you're my/our friends when the reality is that you never really were to begin with and then you went and married some haggard biotch, didn't invite anyone to the wedding and then didn't talk to or hang out with anyone for several years, only to invite yourself at this stage of the game and act like a complete fuck. Fuck off.