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Love at the End of the World

Hey kids, it's another music entry!

Let's talk about a band, one of my favorite's, The Sam Roberts Band. I can't recall how I got into them, be it the radio or if a friend introduced me to them. In any case I've been a fan since 2003, when their first CD came out. (they released an EP in 2002) They just released their 3rd CD yesterday titled, Love at the End of the World.

We We Born in a Flame(first CD) was a fast tempo-ed, upbeat, dance/sing-along, lighthearted affair. Their second CD, Chemical City, was a complete 180, featuring darker and moodier songs with more serious lyrics. Both discs, as different as they may be, are awesome. Not a bad song on either of them. The same goes for their newest joint.

If WWBIAF is A and Chemical City is Z, then LATEOTW is 7. It begins where Chemical City left off, has songs that sound a lot like their first effort, but on the whole is completely different. Its more mellow and kind of out there, though there's a few bangers on it. I'm anxious to see how the new songs translate to their live show, which if you've never been to one of their concerts, you really need to get off your ass and go. They're playing at Artpark in Lewiston on Wednesday July 30th. Its a free show so like I said, get off you ass, you won't be disappointed. Now onto a more comprehensive review of Love at the End of the World.

It weighs in at 13 tracks and 54:38, putting it in the middle of their prior works with regards to both length and number of tracks. As I mentioned its mellow and spacey with lots of piano/organ, but not enough that its overpowering. The lyrical content has improved leaps and bounds in my opinion on this disc. It also has some straight up rockers like the first song and title track.

1. Love at the End of the World- One of my favorites, though it only clocks in at 2.5 minutes. Its definitely got the Chemical City vibe and is a straight up rock song with a great hook, chorus and nice guitar solo. I just wish it were 3 minutes longer.

2. Stripmall Religion- A little slower but by no means a slow song, its 4 minutes long and is real catchy. The lyrics are especially poignant.

3. Oh Maria- This is one of those songs that will easily get stuck in your head, not so much for the lyrics(even though they make the song) but for the beat. It features alternating sections of a funky type rhythm followed by a slower part.

4. Lions of the Kalahari- The first real "mellow song" on the disc. Its pretty melancholy and "out there."

5. Fixed to Ruin- This song hearkens back to WWBIAF from its opening chords. Once again, love the lyrics on this one. This one is that catchy joint you can dance along to.

6. Them Kids- Another fast catchy dance number. It's the CD's first single and another one of the better songs on the disc, especially when it rocks out near the end.

7. Words & Fire- This is a slower song that's very story teller-ish. Features a backing female vocalist, which I believe is a first for them. Nice usage of the acoustic guitar.

8. Sundance- Another slow song that has quite a bit of keyboard in it. Its one of those songs a man who's in some sort of despair would write.

9. Up Sister- After 2 slow songs in comes this quick song, which again, has some organ/harmonica in it. It also has the alternating fast and slow parts but is decidedly more on the heavy side.

10. End of the Empire- I guess you could call this song an anthem. Its got that stand up and fight vibe to it, the protest vibe if you will, though its not really political at all. Its got more of a personal crusade type feeling.

11. The Pilgrim- This song starts out slow and keeps that through out its 5.5 minutes punctuated with brief periods of heavier parts. Aside from the lyrics its not really that special of a song. I hesitate to call it a filler song because its not a bad song, its just not amazing or memorable.

12. Walking the Dead- Like the title suggests, this song is another slow jam and the longest on the CD at 6.5 minutes. Another on of those out there songs.

13. Detroit '67- The closing track is also one of my favorites and one of the best on the disc. Its got a lot of piano and is catchy as fuck. Its a breath of fresh air after a couple slow songs and it just gets better as it goes while perhaps hinting ever so slightly at the future. Its the perfect end song for this particular CD.