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Timmy Hoes

Being that its Mother's Day and I got up at fucking 4am to work my beer job this morning, I said to myself, "self, I think some donuts would taste wonderful after a morning of work." Being that Wrights Corners now has its own brand spanking new Tim Horton's, complete with the standard drive through, and that I'm lazy, I went there as opposed to Tops.

Big, nay, huge fucking mistake. I turn in the drive through and there's roughly 4 vehicles in front of me. Looks like I'm in for a wait. Or maybe not. The cars ahead of me cycle through at an acceptable pace. Then I get up to the ordering speaker, nearly drive right past it cause I spaced out, and only stopped cause I heard the girl inside ask me to hold on a minute. So i say sure and play the waiting game. A minute passes, then 2, pretty soon its like 8 minutes later. There's a rather hot looking girl behind me and i can hear her getting upset and cursing rather loudly. I try talking into the speaker to see what the deuce is going on, no response. Finally i like fuck this and i pull up and out of the drive through so I can go order inside. (The hottie behind me followed suit loudly dropping the F-bomb. I think I'm in love) As pissed as I was for having to wait for nearly 10 minutes I still wanted my damn donuts and was not going to be denied.

So i go inside. Its pretty nice looking and also kinda busy inside, but I see no reason for my 10 minute delay outside. So i look to see where I'm supposed to order. I see two lines of people, two registers, no signs. Not knowing if one end is for ordering and the other payment (like subway) or if one end you only get coffee and the other you get food I just kinda stand there for a second trying to sort it out. Takes like a minute and I realize you can order anything from either line and pay there so i zig to the right and hit that line since there's only one guy in it and the other line has like three. Then I spot the hold up.

Every person who works there appears to be moving in slow motion, like some dramatic action sequence from some buddy movie. The girl running the register where I am takes like, 3 minutes to get a guy a coffee and 2 donuts, even though both items are located just an arms reach away from where she's standing. It should take like, 40 seconds max to get this guy's food/beverage. Now its my turn to order. I ask for a half dozen donuts, 2 of each of the following: plain, old fashioned glaze and honey dip glazed. (I really wanted peanut and cinnamon roll but they were out on the shelves and I wasn't about to waste any more time) Total is $3.49. I hand her a $5, she tells me they're out of singles so i get my $1.51 back in quarters and a penny. Then I watch her slowly start getting my six donuts, only to watch her start grabbing the wrong ones. She's nabbing the sour cream glazed and plain so I politely point out her error and she gets the correct ones.

Now, I work in a restaurant, have for going on 9 years. Granted it's not a fast food place, but food service is all essentially the same. Get the food out looking great and properly prepared as soon as possible. No one at Timmy Hoes this morning was showing any hustle. Closer inspection of the staff showed they were all females, save for Shawn's brother Danny. I don't know if that means that women can't handle making coffee and breakfast foods while exchanging money with customers or maybe they just hired a bunch of retards at this place who all just happen to coincidentally women. Maybe they're going through the whole "I'm new its my first day I don't know what I'm doing" phase. I don't know, but I'm just saying. They better shape up or ship out.