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The Wet Bandit

Not just a fictional robber tandem from the Home Alone movie series anymore. Today it became real and so much more.

I found myself at Tops on Portage Road in downtown Niagara Falls this afternoon around 1230pm. It was pretty busy for that store, lot of people shopping and checking out and what not. I had a small order of 66 cases to put away, most of which was 30-packs that had to go into the walk-in cooler near the store entrance. I finished putting up all the shit in the beer isle and was pulling my half full pallet up toward said cooler. I was in the process of backing it up to the swinging doors when I see a cop walking towards me from my right side. Being its the scummy Falls and this store has/had a cop standing around doing security, I didn't really pay much attention.

Then i see that he is leading some girl towards the exit and that she is handcuffed. Now I'm interested because its not often some one gets arrested inside a Tops, even it is just for shop-lifting (which I assumed was the case here). So they walk out and I unload all my shit in the cooler. I'm about to start heading toward the back room when I see one of the grocery managers talking with the Pepsi salesman and they're trying but failing to supress laughter, which I assume is about the shop-lifting girl.

Me: Chick got busted huh?
Pepsi Guy: (laughing) You gotta tell him.
Manager: They caught her loading up a duffel bag with meat. Then while they had her in the front room waiting for the cops she pissed all over herself and the chair.
Me: !!!

Now this girl, man, she was rocking a bubble coat, hair all disheveled and when she walked by me just had a wicked set of crazy eyes going on.

Only in the Falls man.