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Ready, Steady, Go!

First week of class is over. It sucks. Compared to last semester, this semester is one big kick in the pants. Last semester I didnt do shit; I even downright had fun. The next 3 months are gonna be hell. I can feel it.

Com 223 Principles and Methods of Interviewing- Seems like maybe the best class i have. Teacher is this younger dude, seems ok. Not to mention its a practical and useful course (rare these days) The only problem is that its an 8am class.

Com326 Public Speaking- Not overly involved, no papers or tests per se. Just gotta make a bunch of speeches. 9am. My teacher sounds like Tommy Lee Jones, big texas drawl. And he loves to hear himself talk.

Com 481 Technical Writing- I added this class tuesday night in light of a terrible class i had attended earlier in the day which i felt the need to drop. Same guy who teaches my public speaking teaches this one. Gonna be a lot of work i think. Like 6 lengthy papers. But i kinda prefer that to tests anyways.

Com 460 World Media Systems- Unfortunatly, the guy who teaches this class is the same Japanese guy i had last semester for Mass Comm. The class where there was the riot and the people storming out and the fighting. So its gonna blow.

Com 493 Seminal Readings in Comm- My teacher is literally an 80 year old lady. That said she seems fiesty and is kind of funny. Jury is still out on this class.

Com 489 Computer Applications- I dropped this sucker like a bad habit. It just sounded awful after the first day what with talk about programming and some huge ass shitty project. Not to mention it ran from 330-5pm, which is way later than i want to be up there.

Unfortunatly this semester i dont have any friends or people i know in any of my classes. Meaning i wont have any fun like i did in the fall.