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Assholes in Rustangs

So I'm driving home from Nissan this morning after getting my tail-light replaced (that's another story) and I'm on Transit heading North just fresh off Millersport. I happen to glance in my rear-view mirror and notice the two cars behind me. One a white something or other being driven by a blonde and behind her a white Mustang. As what seems to be the trend lately, they're both driving like assholes. The blonde is right on my ass and I'm doing 60mph. The stang behind her is trying to change lanes to get around her/me/us. By this point I'm near the drive-in and I know there's construction up ahead and the right lane is closed so I have no intention of shifting lanes.

Then it happens. The stang pulls left into the turning lane and passes the dame behind me and then me and pulls in front of me. As he's doing this, I give him the finger as he goes by. Lets face it. Passing multiple cars via the center turning lane coming up on a construction zone is probably one of the dumbest thing you can do in a car. Here's where it gets interesting.

Guy comes to a stop at the light and i see him start opening his car door. Looks like a typical douche bag who would be driving a semi-pimped out white mustang. I'd put him in the 40-45 year old range, thinks hes a tough guy but really just white trash with slicked back hair. Hes yelling something but I've got tunes blasting and sunglasses on so I'm not paying him any mind. The light turns green and hes not really in his car so I make a move to go around him. Tough guy that he is, he gets back in his car and peels out to block me from getting by. As i mentioned, there's construction so he does succeed in not letting me get around him. Not amused I simply turn right by the Credit Union and take an alternate route home.

Seriously though. What the hell does this guy expect? You pull a dumb reckless driving maneuver when I'm technically already speeding; of course I'm gonna give you the finger. If you do something stupid (and this I apply to life as well, not just driving), you shouldn't be too shocked or angry when some one calls you out on it. But everyone is a tough guy these days, especially 40-somethings in white shitty Rustangs.