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Lost In The City

So last night was game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals between Vancouver and Boston, the game in Vancouver. Boston prevailed 4-0 and in the aftermath of defeat, the fair citizens of Vancouver started a massive riot in the downtown district; burning things, flipping cars, looting stores and beating the shit out of anyone trying to stop them. Well I take that back. Not everyone downtown was rioting as illustrated by the picture above. Some lucky couple decided to make love not war on the city streets.

For those unaware, here's a quick history lesson. Vancouver has never won the Cup, though they've made it to the finals thrice, once in 1982, again in 1994 and then this year, 2011. In '82 they were swept by the Islanders. In '94 they lost to the Mark Messier and the New York Rangers and the city rioted. Last night they lost game 7 to the Bruins and the city rioted. Being a Canadian city, they also have no NFL team.

Allow yourself to wonder for a moment, what would have happened in Buffalo if we were in Vancouver's shoes? Think about it. The Sabres one Cup appearance ended in the "no-goal" fiasco. The Bills lost 4 straight Superbowls and have been among the worst teams in the NFL for over a decade. Imagine next year the Sabres or Bills turn it all around and make it to the Cup/Superbowl, only to lose in game 7 or in the last seconds. I dare say the tender scene from above wouldn't happen on the cobble stone streets of downtown. B-lo would probably look more like this in the aftermath of a Bills/Sabres riot.