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Happy Holiday's You Bastards!


First off I'd like to congratulate myself. Tonight I secured 1st place in my fantasy football league, defeating Teddy in the championship match. What that means is that I win $300, a trophy and bragging rights until the end of the next fantasy season (unless I win again). I haven't decided what to do my winnings yet. Maybe I'll score some blow and throw a party, who knows.

Christmas was pretty good. Got a sweet GPS unit for my car, some movies, video games and clothes. Hope everyone else had a good Christmas. Its now officially New Years Eve. While most people will be out having fun, I will be doing the only thing I ever seem to be doing these days, working. Gotta work for Certo in the morning then report to the Restaurant by 430pm to work there until around midnight most likely. I could go out after that but since I have to work New Years Day morning, Ill most likely have a beer or two at work then just go home to sleep. I lead a thrilling life eh?

Rachael's wedding was this past weekend. Ended up also doubling as a mini-high school reunion as I saw a bunch of people I have not seen in many years. Overall it was a fun night. Drank a lot, went to the bar afterward to drink some more , then slept in the same hotel bed with Jake and Eddie. Kinda gay I know but these things happen.

Now's also the time where people make New Years resolutions. Most people say they're gonna lose weight or quit smoking or some other activity that never happens. I tend to not make a resolution because I'm lazy and I know it. I've made peace with that. This year though, I will make one. I will endeavour to post more/better. No guarantees though. It's not that I lack the time to post, though lately that has been semi-true what with my hectic work schedule. Its a content issue. I've been running this blog for two and a half years now. Before that I had the old subprofile for a number of years. I've been writing online for about 5 years now. Most things that can be talked about I've already talked about. I know that posts like this one (here's what i did today, here's whats happening in my life) are boring as fuck and not entertaining or educational in the least, which is why I try at all costs to avoid making them. So like I said, I will try to post more than once a month and to make it interesting.

Last item. Everyone needs to check out this band called DragonForce. They're amazing. Happy New Years. If you got nothing to do come hang out with me at the Restaurant.