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Poo'd On Again

So yesterday morning I leave my house around 730am to make my weekly hour commute up to the office. The intersection is kinda messed and hard to explain so here's a diagram (the red dots are stop signs). I'm headed west on 104 and I turn left on 93 and head south. Theres no stop sign going that direction but there are stop signs from the other 3 sides.

Theres a guy in a white pick up driving East on 104. He exits off 104 onto the short one way road which vehicles need to go down if they intend on turning south on 93 or continuing on to stone road.

So I make my left and as I'm mid way through the intersection I see said pick up on my right starting to go through the stop sign. As luck would have it he T-bones me on my rear passenger side wheel area.

I pull over and he pulls in behind me and here's where it starts to get interesting. First, the other driver is a guy seemingly my age. We go through the whole "you OK?" routine. Guy then proceeds to tell me that the collision is my fault because I stopped on 104 before turning for traffic or some BS. I just kinda stare at him then go, "uh, no I didn't, and you're the one who has a stop sign, not me." He tries to argue more then suddenly changes his tune as we go check out the damage.

Right above my wheel well is all dented and scratched and his front bumper has no real damage to it other than his license plate being knocked off. Hes like, well we can settle this right here and avoid wasting two hours of our time cause I'm running late for work. Tries telling me that the damage to my car will just buff out then whips out a wad of money and offers me a couple hundred bucks. I'm having none of this and just call the cops so they can come file a report since hes at fault. Afterwards I notice my steering/alignment is also fucked up.

Now I've spent the last 2 days dicking around with insurance companies and only today do I find out that they did determine he was at fault and that Monday I can get my car in the shop for repairs. I just got this car at the end of May. Fuck man.