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Quality Assurance Checks

So last night after my 2 hockey games, there was a lengthy discussion revolving around what guys look for in a potential mate and how we go about evaluating women.

To begin, I have two separate points of assessment: physical appearance and personality/character makeup. The first thing I, and most men judge is a girls physical appearance because lets face it, no guy wants to be with an ugly girl regardless of how funny/smart/beautiful on the inside she may be. Call it shallow or being an asshole, I really don't care because that's just the truth of the matter.

Physical Appearance

Most men use the classic 1-10 rating scale. I've taken that rating system a bit further and modified it since its a rather blunt tool for something that requires a fine degree of precision. I judge a girl in 5 categories, all based on the 1-10 scale, and then average those scores to get an overall hotness rating. The five categories are as follows(in this order too): face, hair, boobs, ass, fashion sense. For me the average of those 5 categories needs to be at least a 6.8 before I would consider getting to know said female in a possible dating scenario.

Personality Phase

So lets say a girl passes through my rigorous appearance test and scores a 7.5. Now we come to the next and just as important set of tests. There really is no 1-10 rating system that can be adapted to something as qualitative as personality and character. Instead there are several traits that a person either has or does not have. Failure to meet the following requirements can lead to dismissal even with a passing appearance mark. I know its impossible for a girl to match up perfectly with everything I'm about to write but like everything else, there's acceptable and unacceptable limits of tolerance.

Intelligence- Both book smarts and common sense.

Personally speaking, I need a girl to have a fair amount of both of these types of smarts. She doesn't need to be a super nerd but should know most things that a person in this day and age should know. Common sense is a huge must though. Air headed bimbos need not apply

Sense of Humor- Both telling and understanding/appreciating jokes.

Since I'm exceedingly hilarious, a girl I wish to be involved with doesn't have to be on my level of funny, so long as she gets and laughs at my non-stop comedy act. However, if she's going try to bring the lol, it better be good. I'm going to include the laugh into this section because if a girl has a really annoying laugh that can be a huge turn off.

Demeanour- Nice, Mean etc.

Nobody likes a bitch. Its really that simple. I understand that there's times where its OK to get mad and upset but constant bitchiness is and automatic DQ no matter how hot you are. My ideal girl is nice, understanding and thoughtful. (all the things I'm not.)

Tastes and Interests

This obviously varies for everyone. My girl needs to like some of the sports I enjoy (football, baseball, hockey, golf). Not be adverse to video games but rather maybe enjoy/be good at them. Needs to like good movies, the less "chic flicks" she likes the better. I have like 450 dvds so you better be down with more than half of them. Matching musical taste I've discovered is really important. I don't like rap or country and you shouldn't either. Sadly, most girls prefer both of those formats.

Other Considerations

Knowing how to cook/being good at it.
Sewing and other "womanly" activities.
Not being a slob.
Having good/steady employment.

Deal Breakers

Now it is possible for a girl to pass both the appearance screening and match up close enough in the above personality categories but still not make the final cut. That would be because she possesses one or more "deal breaking" traits. Things that if a girl does/has done them, results in instant DQ no matter what. Things like having a kid, being a smoker, having a VD and other atrocities.

So there you have it. One man's guide to rating women, even if that guy is pretty picky and strange.