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I do not consider myself to be a picky eater. At present time I will eat just about any sort of food you could name. Nevermind the fact that i eat most everything plain and I'm not big on condiments or things of that nature.

At work, as you could imagine, we prepare literally hundreds of different dishes in a given day/week. One thing we serve that I have never tasted for myself is liver(beef) and onions. For whatever reason, just never sounded appealing. So lastnight said order comes through, Ruebz cooks it up. Now it comes with 2 pieces of liver. Little did we know the lady who ordered it only wanted 1 piece, so there was an extra. Ruebz, who absolutely despises cooking that dish(even though hes never had liver) tells me to try some. So I said I will if you will. So we both cut off a piece of it and consume.

Grossest shit ever. If anyone reading this actually enjoys liver I have to say you're pretty fucked up. Its not too awful when you first bite into it. Then you start to notice the texture, which is just freaky cuz its kind of soft and rubbery. Then you notice the taste, which only gets worse the more you chew. By the time i spit it out it was too late. Pretty much ruined my night.

However. I do love chicken liver when wrapped in bacon with a water-chestnut. Now that shit is delish.