The moment you've all been waiting for
Here it is, the end of the odyssey. With much critical accliam i present the 10 best songs ever made.
10. Lustra- Scotty Doesn't Know
9. Coldplay- Twisted Logic
8. Radiohead- Climbing Up the Walls
7. 54-40: I Go Blind
6. Big Wreck- Blown Wide Open
5. Moist- Resurrection
4. Weezer- Only In Dreams
3. Tea Party- Psychopomp
2. Matthew Good Band- Apparitions
1. Oasis- Champagne Supernova
Honorable mention goes to the Trews- So shes leaving. Unfortunaly i only recently got into them and this song i've had on repeat for the last 2 days straight. Its definetly top 15.