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Weighing in on TO

Its been a couple weeks now since the news broke that my beloved Bills signed a player I've gone on record as saying I hate the most in the world. I can still remember getting the news and my initial emotions. I was working in the kitchen at the restaurant when word began filtering back that the Bills, who never make good off season player/coaching moves, had signed recently cut WR Terrell Owens.

At first, I was in a state of mild shock. I hate TO, but I love the Bills. How could this be, is it even true? Gradually we got more confirmation from radio, TV, and Internet that the rumors were true. Various emotions took over my body ranging from disbelief, anger and cautious optimism. I realized I was neither for nor against this move. I was dead on the fence about it. TO, while a great and future hall of fame player, is a selfish locker room cancer team killer.

Now, two weeks later, after reading numerous articles and listening to countless analysis the shock has worn off. My official position is that I support the move. With a 1-year contract, it minimizes the damages that TO can do to the Bills organization. At this stage in his career, one would have to think TO is looking for the team he's going to retire with in another 2-3 years. He's going to have to behave unless he wants this to be his last year in the NFL. If he becomes his infamous self, well he wont be around next year anyways and the Bills will be no worse off than they were before they signed him.

On the plus side, he instantly makes the whole offense better. His presence will eliminate the double teams Lee Evans faced all last year. It will also help Marshawn and the run game as teams will now have to respect the Bills passing attack. Of course all this is dependent on Edwards having enough time to throw and actually completing the passes he needs to, and that includes a plethora of deep balls. The Bills haven't had 2 great WR since arguably Andre Reed and E Moulds teamed up. (Moulds and Peerless Price you could maybe consider).

Now that suckster Robert Royal is gone some of our young TE have a chance to step up and become the next Pete Metzelaars. Really the only thing they need now are a couple stud pass rushers and a lock down corner. So say what you want about TO's past, but he instantly makes the Bills offense that more potent and if nothing else, brings a deep desire to win to an organization that hasn't won much in a decade plus.