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Sportscenter Top 10

As you're all aware, I'm a big sports fan. Probably 75% of what I watch on TV is sports or sports related. As such, ESPN is one of my most watched channels, specifically the program Sportscenter. I have a growing concern with this show/network though. Simply put, too much basketball, be it NBA, WNBA or NCAA.

Granted, basketball is among the top 4 sports in American society (the others being baseball football and hockey*). Ever since the NHL lockout though, hockey has become a 2nd tier sport in regards to media coverage. If your city doesn't have a team, odds are you get little to no hockey coverage. ESPN is a nation-wide channel that covers all sports, but since the lockout, hockey has fallen off the radar. The thing that ties hockey and basketball together, is that their seasons coincide with each other for the most part. During the heart of hockey/basketball seasons, no other major sports like football and baseball are operating, nor are any other "lower" tier sports like golf, tennis, soccer or cycling, because of the weather.

Spring is a different story though. The PGA has begun tournaments in the warmer climates, baseball spring training and the World Baseball Classic begin and even the NFL has started some pre-season conditioning and training programs. Add to this that the NBA and NHL start their respective playoffs, spring is a veritable cornucopia of sporting action.

Which brings me to my point. Why the fuck, is a spring time Top Ten highlight reel on sports center 90% basketball? How is a guy shooting a 3 pointer a better/more skilled act than a golfer sinking a ship shot from a bunker or holing one from 175 yards out. How is a slam dunk better than a goalie making an unbelievable save or a forward scoring on a breakaway using some sick move. Nothing that happens on a basketball court is worth of being a weekly top 10 highlight unless its something absurd like a half court shot or some type of game winning buzzer beating play.

My only question is why a sport with such dismal ratings for even its championship series and a dwindling fan base continues to get the level of media coverage it does.