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People do crazy things sometimes

Who is that sexy beast? Posted by Hello

World, meet Bandit. Or Kenneth Albert Lilley the 2nd. This particular picture happened at kelly's house on the night of our joint 19th birthday (or maybe it was 18th). These days, Bandit is slave to a woman, F.S.* for short, and we don't see as much of him as we should like.

Speaking of kelly, she was in fact drunk when she sent me her IM's the other night, which basically was her dreaming about what crazy things would be going down if she was here for the summer instead of in Rochester bitching about her job. *smiley face*. My pool will be getting opened saturday and i broke out the portable fire pit and the table n shit for the patio.

Santos wants me to download some Seether album for him. yea i don't get it either.

The slogan of my generation- "keep it real man". Right now we are experiencing a week long episode of when keeping it real goes wrong and there doesn't appear to be any end in sight.

Party at moosy's tonight, pics to come.

Oh for those unaware, you can leave a comment about any post i make simply by clicking on the link that says Shit-talk that follows each post. A seperate window will open allowing you to enter a name or nickname and some words of wisdom. Its much easier than the guestbook ordeal of the old subprofile. so get on that.

* F.S. = fun stopper