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So i lost the lengthy post i'd made while trying to link in a picture. Rest assured it had some gold but its late and i don't feel like re-creating what would turn out to be a cheap knock-off version of the original
So heres a short recap of what was here: I have new music. Dont come over to my house if i dont know you, stand around for awhile and not say anything to me then leave. Free54-40 concert july 2nd. Dont be pissed at me for not order you a ticket when i dont know you wanna go, im not ordering them and youve never offered to or gone out and gotten me a ticket ever before. Possible trip to rochester friday for some festival, still awaiting more details from rach. Suck my dick if any of the above you find fault with.
Oh and as promised, heres that pic i was trying to load up.
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