There's two kinds of people in the world, those who get stomped on and those who do the stomping- Jesus.
Would anyone miss me if I was gone? For some reason I ask myself that question often as of late. My thoughts betray me perhaps. Maybe if I dated highschoolers I'd be cooler. Maybe if I stalked girls and lied I'd be more hip. If I treated my friends like shit I'd be more liked. Becoming a raging alcoholic would surely improve my image. Acting like an asshole in public seems to yield positive results. Too bad I wasn't a girl, cause everyone loves a good whore. Surely if I picked up one of these gimmicks my popularity and success would soar. I mean it works for everyone else right so why not me?
Don't Believe the Truth
Nobody likes hearing the truth. People sure as hell don't like any opinion or thought that differs from their own. Apparently is better to conform and lose all sense of self than to dissent. One of those paths leads to acceptance, the other ridicule. Connect the dots. God forbid I don't find something funny that has been done a million times before and was done years ago. And what a crime it is if I don't waste money on some gadget that not many other people have and is sort of redundant and pointless in the first place?
Sarcasm is an art lost on most people- Matt Good
I'm sarcastic by nature. To say I have a dry sense of humor is an understatement. I'm good at it though so I can get away with doing it. Some people are terrible at it yet insist on making it their bread and butter. If it wasn't funny the first three times, odds are the next six wont be any different. Well that's my gimmick fuck heads, you got got enough of your own, let me have this one, I'm better at it anyways. Not that it works, which is why I need to start taking other people's gimmicks. Then I can play the conformity angle too while I'm at it. By god I may have just unlocked the long lost secrets of untamed social success and popularity. I'll have girls flocking to me from all over where we can talk about the most trivial shit or re-live memories from a decade ago like they were some magical event that happened merely an hour ago.
Even in a room full of people its possibly to be utterly alone.
Sometimes, the things I see just make me want to hide myself away in my room and not come out for months or years, Bobby Fisher style. Do people not realize the terrible ways they act sometimes? Do they know and just not care? Why is said behavior even acceptable, much less glorified? Why is it the "normal" people just get passed over like they don't exist. I swear, if you aren't messing up some one's stuff, pissing some one off, drunk or beating down a dead horse, you could just fade into the foreground and no one would notice. Unless of course its your horse.
I might have more to say, I might not. In any event the power is spiking, as Burt would say, so I think this is all mother nature will allow me to say tonight. So I'm gonna go back to being an anonymous blenderiner and all of you will go on with your gimmicks, trying to be anything but what you really are, which I don't even know what that is either so don't ask me for the answer. Keep it real right? Fuckin A.