And I'm sorry I did because I would have addressed this sooner, but there happen to be a whopping 12 comments about this post I made a few months ago. I know this is basically re-opening a can of worms but its hilarious.
If you read the comments, there's a lot of talk about my blogger profile, which first of all, I forgot even existed, and secondly, hasn't been updated since 2005. In any event, the good majority of that is all in jest anyways.
Then you have the numerous remarks about how I'm dumb and didn't make it past high school, statements which ironically are rife with terrible grammar and misspelling in their own right (capitalizing every other word in a sentence is just wrong). So lets get some basic info out of the way:
See the thing is this kids, and pay attention. I make jokes about anything, everything, and anyone. Strangers, friends, family, there's no discrimination; all stupidity is called out equally. If I find something odd, amusing or just plain stupid, chances are I'm going to write about it. I'd wager at minimum a good 85% of the things I've written in this blog over the past 4 years are completely sarcastic and satirical in nature. If you can't handle some random person poking fun of your blue jeans you might not be cut out to make it in life. I hear carbon monoxide poisoning is pretty painless.
I do this for fun and because I like to write. Do I care if your precious feelings get hurt or that you come in here and anonymously call me names and make inaccurate assumptions about my upbringing or life? Not all all. Its hard to be offended by people when they turn around and include gems like this into their arguments:
So I don't understand your dressing habits. It's not like I told your mother to go fuck herself. Didn't even call any of you little fairies names, except right there when I called you fairies. If you're too dumb to realize that "conclusions" to a fashion trend such as the ones I made in the other post weren't serious you have some bigger issues you might want to deal with.C.) They Aren't Girl Pants they Are Skinny Stretch Levi MEN'S Jeans