Fire in the Head
Lastnight i went out to Rochester with eddie and true story to catch the Tea Party show. We also picked up kelly and she went with us. It was at some little hole in the wall music hall in downtown Rochester. much to my delight they didnt do pat downs and there was no signs saying no pictures. Also there was no security rail by the stage so we were basically on top of it.
The opening band was some nerds from buffalo. They werent great, not terrible, nothing special. Though the lead singer was a spitting image of Fabio. Just more ripped and could sing way better.
Tea Party came on at 10 and played till 1130. The set was basically the same as the last time i saw them minus a couple songs. As usual they were solid and a pleasure to see. Too bad i have to work and cant make it to one of the 2 Sphere shows.
Afterwards we went back to kellys for some beers and pizza and good times, minus the drunk whores who took 25 mintues to park then enter the apt. One more pic for the road.